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Riklaunim 02-11-2004 10:24 AM

Cairenn? Anyone?
Ive been trying to find something for awhile, the TK boards seem... well... dead. He created some life/mana/etc. meters or gauges that i saw in one of your complete UI's Cairenn. He has a pic shown on his boards, but no place to download them as a stand alone mod. I only use a few mods for specific windows and had to hack out the window_pieces01.tga file that contains these meters from one of your UI's. However in doing so it has slightly messed up a few portions of things because its using parts of your custom UI. Is there anyway to get this TGA file with just the meters modified? Thanx in advance for any help.

P.S. im not good with TGA files, so i dont really wanna mess with it myself.

P.P.S. I attempted to slice out the meters from the tga file i borrowed from your UI Cairenn, and carefully inserted it into the new default (copy thereof) window_pieces01.tga. However in doing so the meters are now in bubble shape almost (very rounded) instead of the original design of smooth and flat. /boggle. I can only assume there is something else im missing that i need to change.

Help! Please!
a.k.a. Quevven, 65th Teir'dal Coercer

Cairenn 02-11-2004 10:40 AM

Just so you know, I have seen this, and I'll see if I can help you out ... in a bit. As you can imagine, it's rather crazy around here at the moment, with the patch yesterday. ;)

Riklaunim 02-11-2004 11:13 AM

woot! thanx Cairenn. No rush, glad to have a reply =)

You know the meters im refering to right? I tried a bunch of stuff this morning on Photoshop. I even tested by making a new folder and just placing your windows_pieces file in it with nothing else and my atttempted to edit in another.. and got the same results. So i know my issue is inherant to that specific window_pieces01.tga file. Im sure my attempts to edit werent effective since ive never worked with TGA files before. Are they layered? is there something special that has to be done with a TGA file that is different than a standard image file?

just to give you an idea. the negative effects i experience are:

in chat windows the lines that form the borders of the displayed text, text input fields are not straight lines, they appeared to shift halfway through the length of the bar.

also, because the file im using is using your UI, it doesnt show the intendation for the charm slot when using the default inventory window.

P.S. Is Tking still working on EQLive stuff? should we expect a spellgems/etc update from him? (the ezboards are all down, or were this morning. So i couldnt check to see if he had posted anything about an update or if he was planning to amend his gems with new designs for the new gems.

THANX !!! in advance for anything


Im sure you know exactly which meters im refering to but i figured since the ezboards are back up i would post the link from the Tking boards which has the picture of the meters on it.


(edited to update link)

Cairenn 02-11-2004 11:21 AM

You mean the gauges, if I read everything correctly. ie the HP bars, mana, etc

And, Kuvasie has taken over the t.king stuff. She has released Celtic 2.0, and updated icons.

Riklaunim 02-14-2004 02:24 PM

friendly bump

Riklaunim 02-18-2004 07:09 PM

Just seeing how its developing, im sure you are totally bogged down with stuff and just your own EQ play time. If it would be easier, give me the low down on how (if possible) to photoshop the TGA file so that it displays correctly. And i could give it a whirl.


Riklaunim 02-24-2004 10:13 PM

Any luck Cairenn?

Cairenn 02-25-2004 12:29 AM

Haven't forgotten you, just finishing up "Ancient Celts" and then I'll be looking in to this.

Riklaunim 02-25-2004 08:47 AM

no problem =)

Riklaunim 03-03-2004 04:07 PM


Riklaunim 03-14-2004 07:52 AM


AloneStarwalker 03-14-2004 08:58 AM

it appears to me you need to select the gauge you inserted into you window pieces 01.tga then click select menu, save selection, and add it to the alpha channel.

that should fix it i believe.

Riklaunim 03-15-2004 12:00 AM

made 1 attempt at that, the bars came out all backed in white... i think that is becase the 01.tga file i got from Cairenn has a white background and the default has a black... gonna attempt some creative stuff but still isnt going well... /sigh

Any progress on your end Cairenn? no rush

Riklaunim 03-25-2004 11:14 AM

/friendly bump, as i havent gotten this to work yet

Riklaunim 04-07-2004 08:53 PM

Im sure your busy, any update by chance?

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