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Turlo 10-05-2005 10:36 PM

Possible New Toggle
From EQ Live:

Originally Posted by Xenaida-Dev
We are looking into adding a toggle so that you can either click through windows or not click through windows as you prefer.

rjengel 10-06-2005 04:09 AM

Ok so does this mean they are going to change the options window to allow for a new toggle button to give us the option to CLICK THROUGH open windows? Because if it does I would have to SAY that is awesome, being a tradeskiller myself, I would be very pleased with this (IF IT WORKS) I hope SOE all the best in doing this, and Hope it works out for us tradeskillers sake...

R.J Engel

Xyndail 10-06-2005 07:17 AM

This indeed would be a very good idea. Speaking for myself, I have about 4 windows on the side that filter spells cast, spell effects, spam, etc. They are all made 100% see through to have them as out of the way as possible. Only problem is, I sometimes click on them when I am trying to open a trade window, target something, or use a merchant, etc. With this new option, the problems would go away very easily.

Weskat 10-06-2005 07:54 AM

This would also help tons with the map window when traveling invis and right-clicking to /con mobs. Hopefully this goes through and is a toggle for each window piece.

rjengel 10-06-2005 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by Weskat
This would also help tons with the map window when traveling invis and right-clicking to /con mobs. Hopefully this goes through and is a toggle for each window piece.

That is an awesome idea instead of making it a Toggle Option that would be placed in the Option window, Maybe make it an Option that is part of the OPTION for each window, like setting alpha, and background settings, just add it there to have the window CLICK THROUGH or not. That would be an even better idea then just the toggle itself...

Egras 07-13-2006 07:57 AM

I hope its a toggle on EACH window and not all windows. There are some I DONT want to click through :)

Drakah 09-14-2006 01:58 AM

I totally forgot about that mentioning... I bet they did too rofl.

Weskat 09-14-2006 05:04 AM

I can neither confirm or deny that the paper they wrote it on was shredded before they read it again :(

Egras 09-29-2006 06:15 AM

This one needs to be revisited now that TSS stuff is coming to a patching close. The addition of a setting in the XML at a minimum would benefit the coders. Imagine the HUD type Uis that could be done with this setting. Would really give us coders an opportunity to blast EQ Uis out of their templates.

Drakah 09-29-2006 11:15 AM

I just hope if they do figure out how to code in the click threw areas, that it is based on invisable parts and not something else. If you make a round graphic, the corners obviously would be transparent being a circle. As long as the game knows that transparent parts are click-threw areas, I am all for it.

kadath 02-20-2007 01:03 AM

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add a toggle that seperates opt in for leadership exp versus raid leader exp =)

menjoi 01-23-2009 05:16 AM

I freaking hate the new page.. and you can minimize it and you spend more time scrolling than viewing. I no longer use it.. I go to another browser.

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Seladar 01-23-2009 09:44 AM

to click or not to click....that is the transparency.
Great Idea, but it'd have to be a per window option. All or nothing would just be pointless, not to mention the code having to decide what transparent was... is 50% transparent click through able, or not?....too much of a headache...just make it per window and save yourselves a LOT of time and hassle. While you're at it, could you add an option to disable the text input box on chat windows?....that'd be nice.....

Sylphan 01-23-2009 04:20 PM

Actually, we can do this per-window in the xml now. If you set style_tooltip to false, the window and all its contents becomes click-through (regardless of whether or not it's transparent or faded or whatever).

Yeah I know what you're thinking... doesn't style_tooltip have something to do with tooltips? Nope, it's about click-through.

Just don't do this until you've got your windows set up the way you like, because you can't move them around or resize them if you can't click on them.

Kaliaila 02-11-2009 01:00 PM

Wouldn't work well for maps then as you'd want to still be able to click them in certain circumstances such as to move it or to edit parts of it.

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