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Elezibeth 08-30-2003 03:03 PM

Acui 1.0
This thread is to support the version 1.0 release of the ACUI User Interface!

You can download the interface at:


Or view an abbreviated screenshot at:


Please post all problems, issues, or addons to this UI here in order to keep everything nice and orderly! :)

Elezibeth 08-30-2003 03:04 PM

Reserved for future use

Haliken 08-30-2003 03:13 PM


Taleisin 08-30-2003 09:48 PM

'it is mine. My own. My precious. yes, my precious.

:hugs his ACUI copy

Dolby 08-30-2003 10:02 PM

Simply awesome work Elezibeth and Enok! I just may switch to this as my main interface.


Elezibeth 08-30-2003 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Dolby
Simply awesome work Elezibeth and Haliken! I just may switch to this as my main interface.


Thank you for the high praise, and another special thanks to all our beta testers who braved my emergency vanishing to be here for the launch of the UI's first final version. :)

Without stealing too much of 1.0's thunder, allow me to remind everyone...

"The best is yet to be."

Ellyana 08-30-2003 10:41 PM

anyway to make the wnd_bg_light_rock and the wnd_bg_dark_rock a little less transparent(not Solid)?

P.S. its ENOK not Haliken right, Enok? ;)

Haliken 08-31-2003 02:52 PM

The backgrounds have a fixed transparency to "match" the original look envisioned for this UI. The only way to make them less transparent would be to open them in an image editor and change their alpha layer.


P.S. - Yes Ellyana, it's Enok, not Haliken. ;)

Soes 08-31-2003 03:17 PM

Nicely done.. tried it out on my Rogue, works great!

nato1099 08-31-2003 07:35 PM

Every once in a while it'll say hot button error press alt h to fix.... it's not a huge problem but can get annoying... Not sure how to fix it, any suggestions? (only seen this problem w/ this ui too)

Elezibeth 09-01-2003 11:17 PM

Originally posted by nato1099
Every once in a while it'll say hot button error press alt h to fix.... it's not a huge problem but can get annoying... Not sure how to fix it, any suggestions? (only seen this problem w/ this ui too)

Unfortunately, due to the way SOE has their UI elements coded it can not be fixed.

That is why we put that error in big, just do not use your mouse to click hot keys and you should have no problems, 0 - 9 work without a problem.

Kunis Marfury 09-02-2003 03:08 AM

the "uneven" bar fixes the problem nicely too :)

otherwise, any news for v3 ? :)

Elezibeth 09-02-2003 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Kunis Marfury
the "uneven" bar fixes the problem nicely too :)

otherwise, any news for v3 ? :)

Should see a Pre-Beta thread popping up shortly.

Work is demanding a great deal of my attentions but I'm working to get a newer, high res, shot up and running for you guys which will be built using the same exact images that will be put into the next release.

Togras 09-04-2003 01:52 PM

How did you rip the graphics from AC2, or did you recreate them via photoshopping. In either case, it's quite impressive O_O

I played AC2 for quite a while. Had a little Tum Zealot before I realized how broken they really were. After I did realize (though by that time, when I hit my 40s, it was far too late), I decided "screw it. if they can't fix my class after everyone and their mother has been doing everything from informing to whining about it on every communication medium possibly for months, I don't want to play their game." So I quit.

Anyway, drifting off topic, weee, I'm excited to see more!

Lurker99 09-04-2003 04:28 PM

I love this UI, but Im lost without my stats readily available!.. any way to add a very slim box with stats in it.. say the length of the hotbutton window and just big enough to fit the vitals in (ac,atk,sta..etc....) say with a small font size...

Just my suggestion...

You Guys did an excellent job!...

Thank you

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