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xlorepdarkhelm 07-30-2002 07:52 PM

Oguler's Spellbook Skin/Mod (Updated 8/1/02)

This mod makes the spellbook no longer a book, but rather a tanned animal hide. It would probably be best for Beastlords, Druids, Rangers, and Shamans. This is a complete modification of the window and it's layout, so it may take a moment to get used to.

1. replaced the spellbook graphics with an animal skin.
2. rearranged the items on the spellbook (spells, buttons, gauges, etc) to fit on the skin.
3. did away with the window totally. all you see is the animal skin, adds an interesting overall effect.

Note: some of the text for the spell names may occasionally "leak" out off the skin, but not much (only 3 spell slots I know of have this problem, and that's only if they have really long names). Best option for this is to move spells that run into this problem into another slot.


Click your browser's refresh button to see the new screenshot, I got the text to be more legible, by making the artwork on the animal skin to be more faded (lighter). this should make life easier for everyone :)

Geddine 07-30-2002 08:03 PM

Wow I love the look of this.

This just goes to show things to come from people are going to be looking good.

Wolfran 07-30-2002 10:26 PM

Download broken?


Akshue 07-30-2002 10:30 PM

Very nice looking. I prefer a non-flashy, streamlined interface to something with alot of curves, but that is just personal preferance.

Very nice. Very unique. It's things like this that make me wonder what the future will hold for UI's. :)

xlorepdarkhelm 07-30-2002 10:57 PM

I've been able to download from the link. just take the .php off the end of the filename for it to work correctly.

Bhoon 07-31-2002 12:43 PM

sweet spell skin, however I can't get it to download =(

Moraethe 07-31-2002 01:13 PM

Nice work!

xlorepdarkhelm 07-31-2002 04:21 PM

The link above should work now.

Sylviania 08-01-2002 04:30 AM

Yeah , this skin is awesome ... even if as ranger , i prefer protect animals instead of use their skins as a book.

xlorepdarkhelm 08-01-2002 04:59 AM

hehe I submitted the mod to eqinterface.com a couple days ago, just waiting till they finally get to it there, I'm sure they are swamped with mods coming in all the time :P

Zephaus 08-01-2002 07:26 AM

This is the most amazingly beautiful spellbook mod I've seen to date. Very nice work.


Bowler 08-02-2002 10:29 AM

Spell Book
This is a great spell book I love it. Is there anyway to get rid of the buttons?
If you could post here how to get rid of them it would be great.

xlorepdarkhelm 08-02-2002 01:57 PM

Well, I'll post one without buttons soon then.

I'm also going to check the "mem page" buttons and see if they actually got those working yet.

Starshelle 08-05-2002 11:02 AM

I am SO using this for my troll beastlord. :) My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw this. I would be very interested in a version without the buttons. I don't think a Done button is even necessary. I just press ESC when I'm done with my spellbook. I liked your other skins too but a background with bears on it didn't seem right for a troll, so I'll be holding out for something like that. Again..WoW :)

Kizzestra 08-05-2002 01:52 PM

Just a suggestion
In reference to the buttons. How about making them look like rune stones or rocks or something? That would go much better with the whole theme and still retain total functionality.

Just my humble 2cp.

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