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-   -   Modifications to the Mortis pet window (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11412)

Talhallen 11-29-2003 03:17 AM

Modifications to the Mortis pet window
Actually, it could apply to any window, Mortis just happens to be using the one I'm using, atm :) Basically, this is a mod for the 'pet window' that contains three tabs, one for player info, one for pet info, and one for your inventory (clickies). I want to take out this one for clickies. Deleting all of the stuff marked under 'clickies' and refrences to it in the initial constructor statement at the beginning of the XML file only breaks the file, and keeps it from loading. Hmmm! looking for some sort of intermediate guide to XML that could help me find the reason why, instead of an answer :) Does anyone have a site that they recommend?

mortis42 11-29-2003 04:02 AM

With tabbed windows you have multiple screens for all the infomation.

Here is the Hierarchy (using my petwindow as an example):
PetInfoWindow | |-Pet_Subwindows | |-Player_Page |-Pieces |-Click_Page |-Pieces |-Pet_Page |-Pieces

If you want to remove a tab, delete everything that is referenced in the Pieces section of that tab, then delete the Page for that tab, and finally delete the Reference to that tab from the Pieces section of the Subwindow.

From my wondow you would delete everything between <!-- Click Page --> and <!-- Pet Page --> and then delete this line <Pages>Click_Page</Pages>.

Talhallen 11-29-2003 01:18 PM

Thank you very much! :) I'm taking a single modified window and trying to use it as a learning experience. You've got a very nice window there, just hope to one day be able to further modify it to suit my own needs. Thanks again for the pointer :)

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