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kaibutsu3 10-26-2002 12:59 PM

newbie - how to start developing UI?
hi everyone,
could someone please tell me if there are any beginner's tutorial on how to get started developing eq's UI?

thanks very much

grottel 10-26-2002 02:45 PM

Theres nothing official from verant but there are many different posts containing great info here. Just browse around. When you want to start - set small goals. Chenge the text of a single label. Then change its color. Slowly you'll figure out how the pieces work.

HarlequinnIX 10-29-2002 07:32 AM

Is there a particular section that we can check for this kind of help? Or is it just spread out...omg...the banana guy!!! :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

...erm, sorry got distracted...

Yeah, complete newbie to xml. Can't really use any of the mods out there because to keep my laptop from melting I play on 800x600 :(

Earthscum 10-29-2002 11:01 AM

The way I did it was to just start with modifying the graphics (compass is the easiest place to start). Open the Compas.xml file and see if you can figure it out, then play with the compass art.... It took me forever to figure out that they were using Alpha channels in the TGA files... don't forget!

Once you start getting familiar with looking at the XML, THEN you should read the "AboutSIDL.doc". The crap at the top made no sense to me when I read it before, but made ALOT of sense after I played with stuff a bit... oh, and (in case you haven't figured this one out) NEVER save your mods in the default directory! All your hard work WILL be lost! Luckily I found out with a small file (yeah... helps to pay attention to where you're saving it, LOL!)

Have fun, and DEATH TO THE BANANNAS!!!

no, really... kill those things!
| |

murphyrulez 10-29-2002 05:56 PM

Isn't there some sort of help file with Sidl? Anything? Anywhere?

For instance, I want to copy one label from my inventory window, and duplicate it in my player window. So I can see my current/max weight all the time. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to copy the label. I can move it by dragging it, but not copy.

Then I added a label to my compass bar, and it worked, then I added another right next to it, and it didn't work. I compared the two, and everything was exactly the same except for the position was 30 pixels to the right. But I couldn't get it to show up.

Someone has to be able to share the knowledge.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Kiriani 10-31-2002 11:06 PM

The entire board here is the help file :)

Seriously, if it wasn't for this board, I would be where I am at now and working on a total graphical overhaul as opposed to minor xml modifications.

I'm still learning too, but if you browse through here, plus sit and play with some of the settings, you'll begin to understand how a lot of it works.

And don't be afrqaid to ask a more specific question. You gotta find out somehow :)

TO answer your label questions, use notepad or Pete's xml editor, much easier for the beginnner (I'm still doing it that way). It takesa little longer, but hey, you keep learning.

Make sure that the labels that aren't showing up are listed at the end of the xml file with all the Pieces tags. If you don't list it there, it won't show up.

smapdi_666 11-02-2002 04:57 PM

XML Viewer
I'm new to XML and I was wondering if there is a program that lets you view the XML you create or if you have to log onto EQ to see what you've done. That just seems kind of annoying to do every time.


Ciggan Maceincrotch
34 Druid

murphyrulez 11-02-2002 05:48 PM

www.sidlwidl.com is the home for the xml editor. You can view and edit your xml files in it.

Come with your patience equipped though.

Stryhf 11-11-2002 05:17 AM

Originally posted by murphyrulez
www.sidlwidl.com is the home for the xml editor. You can view and edit your xml files in it.

I honestly only use SIDLWIDL to view my changes. I make all my XML changes with regular editors. I use emacs for windows since the xml mode allows for better syntaxical checking. SIDLWIDL is nice for checking the position of various window elements without logging into EQ and then back out again.

Another option, if you have a home LAN setup is to share your UIFILES directory. This has a significantly higher risk to crash to desktop.

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