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-   -   Request on player window please :) (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7468)

Ysatis 03-10-2003 05:56 PM

Request for Kelric :)
1 Attachment(s)
Would it be possible to make this Player window:


but with the graphic of the target one?


Hope this does make sense LOL.. I'm not good with PCs :)

Mistigri :)

Kungpo 03-10-2003 06:25 PM

your Request
Well cant rightly see the imgs hehe...but i would say "Yes, Just a matter of editing the nessicary *.xml's hehe

Ysatis 03-10-2003 06:29 PM

well... prolly Kelric would be the one that oculd answer that I think LOL... me and XML = RUN AWAY SCREAMING IN TERROR :).. LOL... I am lost looking at all this LOL

Kelric did the Player and the Target one... so... I guess he would be the one that could do it.. but I dont' knwo where to contact him :)..

Thanks for the reply :)

Mistigri :)

Ysatis 03-14-2003 03:29 PM

Send a message to Kelric.. but still no news if he could do it or now...

Would like to have some news about my request please :))


Ysatis 03-19-2003 09:14 AM


still nonews from kelric.. don't know if he received my email or not.. so.. just bumping it :)


Ysatis 04-02-2003 04:46 PM



nodent 04-02-2003 05:23 PM

Player window to Target
I took my Player window and made it a target window.

1.) I like the flashing red outline you get.
2.) I put Casting time right below target HP, for timing purposes.
3.) and my mana gauge is below that.

That what your looking for?


Ysatis 04-02-2003 06:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Kelric made a player window... named TK whatever.. I put it in my 1st post... I like the way it look... but I find the BIG BALL and that too big.. I would prefer having the model of the target one.. *sigh* hope it makes sense... I wanna keep all his player window.. except the "arcane ball"


Kelric 04-02-2003 07:13 PM

Gah! I'm SO sorry I missed your email... where I work, I get to cover everyone's vacation, so I'm all over the place lately. :( It's been all I can do to get a semi-regular update on the main page.


I think I see what you're getting at, there... you want it to look like the Target Window I did? If so, it shouldn't be a problem... Kuvasie did all the XML for the gauges, I just stole, er, *borrowed* from her ;) but it's pretty straightforward.

Now... did you want a smaller graphic at the left end of each gauge (a la the Target mod or Kuvasie's Group Window)? Or no gauges at all? I'll start work on it tonight, and you can post or PM me the details.

And again, I'm incredibly sorry for missing your email and post!

Ysatis 04-02-2003 07:16 PM

yes Kalric.. that would be cool.. if the player was like a mix of target and group window of Kuvasie yes :) that would rock... :))))) I would really appreciate it :)

And NP with the not noticed LOL... I know life can be kind of ectic sometimes LOL



Kelric 05-09-2003 02:28 PM

Hey! I FINALLY have that window done, it's just a matter of getting it uploaded (it's on my laptop, so I've got to get it connected to the home network... I really need to buy a wireless card!).

Anyway, look for it Sunday or Monday! :)

Kelric 05-12-2003 12:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Take a look at this image, lemme know if this is what you had in mind... I'll need to make a couple changes for the upcoming patch, so likely won't upload til later this week, but this will give you an idea of what it looks like.

Kuvasie 05-12-2003 12:35 PM

That looks good.


Ysatis 05-12-2003 12:53 PM

woot thanks.. :)
That's what I wanted.. it fit will all the rest of my UI.. thanks :)


Mistigri )

Kelric 06-11-2003 08:41 PM

YAY! Finally got it uploaded, as TK_Kuv_Kel_Player_Ver2 - hope you like it!

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