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Eggborn 07-21-2011 11:14 AM

make everything smaller
I actually dont' mind the default UI, except that everything is so huge I can't fit things on my screen. I have played for 10 years now, and for 8 years have strived to find UI pieces that are default looking, but just smaller.

I heard at fanfaire that the hotbuttons will be able to do these sorts of things. What about buff windows and icons? I dont need words, bells or whistles, just SMALLER!

Being a hybrid you can imagine I have combat windows, extended targets (with full AA expanded), a banolier, clickies coming out of my tail to use, one zillion hotbuttons, spells, group, target, health of target's target, map (one that changes colors would be awesome too!), and chat windows that I have to use almost like a bard. It's constant watching and clicking, If had the default I would see nothing.

Just making things sizeable would be sooo nice, and not just the hotbars.

Makavien420 03-02-2012 03:27 PM

You have to understand a lot of us do this stuff in what little spare time we have and so we make things the way we like. The things you are asking for would take hours upon hours to do making them resizable graphics smaller ,
can and will also cause things to have issues in like how labels show up .

I wish I could spend all my spare time taking requests like this and doing what people like . What I do is look at the most popular downloads in each section when its time to create that window and I try to add in the special features of the most popular stuff or with say my hotbar I made the color changing buttons to give you a visual guide to whats ready and whats not ready.

Now if I was being paid to do stuff like this I could actually make anything anyone wanted but I don't and I don't expect or even want anyone to have to actually pay someone to do this kind of work.

But I can actually give you a rough idea of how hard this is first you just change the line that says resizable to true . Then you have to map out every gauge ,icon , and label to move with the window which is at least 6 lines of code per item. Then you test it and make sure it all works which for me is after every single change . You also can get really screwed up when it comes to list boxes and stuff like that because you have to add a certain amount of pixels just for the borders and the inner borders .

Mogur 03-02-2012 06:40 PM

Couldn't you just play at a higher resolution? Seems to me that would make everything smaller. Only downside may be very small text in some windows.

Dimencia 03-02-2012 07:44 PM

or could just take the big step....

take 1 file open it with notepad and read through the xml code and make minor changes and see what it does in the game.

Learn small end up big, its how i self taught xml, and then you never have to wait for someone to fulfill a request.

there are fewer and fewer UI coders left, i dare say under 50 by now, and as Mak put it, we do this on our spare time.

warriorofmight 03-03-2012 10:33 AM

Yeah, the best way to get what you want is to dive in.

It took me a little while to learn, and every update taught me something new. I shudder to think what the F2P is going to do to mine ... but I'll be able to come back and fix it then!

It just takes a little time to learn about how to accomplish what you want.

Halelen 03-03-2012 01:06 PM

actually the changes that are coming are not really that bad, really just movig all the draw template codes for buttons to the templates file and replaing them in the xml files with a single reference. took only a couple hours to update all my uis.

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