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Cairenn 07-27-2002 03:01 PM

So far, I really like this inventory. However, I want to get rid of all of the player info (name, lvl, exp, stats, etc). How do I do that? I've been trying to figure out how to do it myself, but I just can't get the hang of it and keep messing things up.

Could someone please post *exactly* what I would have to do? Or mod it and post a link? Thanks

Vanje 07-27-2002 03:18 PM

This might help:


psychogears 07-27-2002 03:19 PM

Personally, I'd be wary of deleting labels and gauges, but I think doing so would be okay. You just have to be careful with deleting things that are interactive. What you might want to try is opening up the EQUI_Inventory.xml file and where you start seeing <Label> tags comment around them to disable them. That way if the program messes up you can just enable them by removing the comments. If you don't know XML (or HTML, since they're similar as far as syntax structure), I don't suggest you go mucking around with the XML files until you've looked at them and have some understanding as to how they work.

If disabling doesn't work, you can just move them out of the window by giving each label a negative <Y> <Location> value, and this will place the labels out of the window. They won't be deleted per se, but at least they'll be out of sight.


Alshain 07-27-2002 06:28 PM

I think any control that will use EQType can be deleted or added to a window without any complaint from the program. It's the controls that only have ScreenID that cause problems if you attempt to add or remove them from a window.

Demorgoth 07-27-2002 07:13 PM

Bah, don't listen to them - just take it slowly.

I jumped in at the deep end and disguarded whole chunks of code. Result: EQ crashed. So, I started again, this time just tweaking one thing at a time. If it crashed, I know that type of line shouldn't be messed with in that way. Within an hour I had my first box, tweaked from an existing mod.

If in doubt, don't delete it, just make it too small to see ):o)

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