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Irras 08-02-2002 05:45 PM

Moving player name
Anyone know how to move your surname to the right of your first name instead of below it?

guice 08-02-2002 05:53 PM

Hard to say .. Actually there 'Might' be a way, if you turn off wrapping.

Then again, VI could have hard coded that to be that way, too.

Irras 08-03-2002 04:16 AM

Well I noticed that the name can be removed, how is that done?
I'd like to keep the name up there, but the player info box takes up too much vertical space with the surname below

guice 08-03-2002 04:28 AM

Removing the Surname requires hiding it. In reality your HP par has a "built in" lable tag. That's the name your see in the Player Info window.

To remove it, change the size of the HP bar to 108x8. *Edit* Oops, forgot. Also change the TextOffsetY to 30 or something greater than 9.

Now, to Put your name back in. This requires creating a new Lable of EQType 1. Create that and just place it back up top there. X,Y cords will be 3,0.

I forget the size though. To test that, keep out the EQType tag and it will place Player123456 in there. Size it until it works for you, then put back in EQType. :)

Hope that helps ...

*Quick Epic .. see above*

Irras 08-03-2002 04:33 AM

I think I got all that... but I'm only able to mod what is already there, i've never made a new line of code. Could you lay that out for me? Thanks for the fast reply btw

Irras 08-03-2002 04:44 AM

I think I got all that... but I'm only able to mod what is already there, i've never made a new line of code. Could you lay that out for me? Thanks for the fast reply btw

guice 08-03-2002 04:46 AM

quite simply, you need to add this to your PlayerWindow file:

<Label item="GP_Name"> <ScreenID>GPName</ScreenID> <Font>2</Font> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>3</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>79</CX> <CY>14</CY> </Size> <EQType>1</EQType> <Text>Playername123346</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <AlignLeft>true</AlignLeft> <NoWrap>false</NoWrap> </Label>

You can Change the Item and ScreenID value to what ever you want. I just copied it from my mod and I use GP_ as a self identifier of my custom additions.

Irras 08-03-2002 04:59 AM

Excellent, thank you very much :):D :D

Irras 08-03-2002 07:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I just tried that out and it didn't work out very well... the last name appeared over the first name, and the HP bar disappeared altogether. If anyone has a Playerwindow like this, or can make one, please post it.

What I'm trying to do is keep the window around this vertical height.

- <Screen item="PlayerWindow">
- <!-- <ScreenID/>
- <Location>
- <Size>

I think that's the info you would need. Even moving the bars closer together could help.:nana:
This is what I would like it to look like.

Drakah 08-03-2002 08:58 AM

I Agree
I tried but couldnt either. Now that I am making a new ui this would help tremendously to fit things better.

guice 08-03-2002 05:21 PM

Actually, the PlayerWindow Screen is completely relevent with this mod.

What you want is the Player_HP gauge.

And that window has a bit more than just a Name change in it.

Take a look at the tags in the Player_HP gauge. They are all completely self explanitory. Maybe there's an OffsetY or X for the gauge as well I forgot about.

It's been a while since I made this mod. Take a look, it's not that hard to figure out. Just a lot of text, but like reading HTML.

Irras 08-04-2002 03:03 AM

I used to know all this stuff, but it's been so long I forget everything... I actually had to post on how to get my signature picture. I look at an XML file and not all of it is self explainatory. Like Relative Position.... No idea what that is. And the offsets that you mentioned...lost there too...I guess I'll just keep checking the sites to see if anyone else makes it. :D :nana: :D

guice 08-04-2002 03:13 AM

Offset is just that .. an Offset from the original position given ( <Location> ).

Relative - Relative to the Window you're in. Turn it off and reload your skin. And take a look. Then you'll see what that means.

If you ever wonder what an element is for, change it, reload the skin and look. Nothing more. Some are easy, some requires tinking a bit.

trust me ... I've just spent 3+ hours tinking with the freeking borders in EQ. It's a long pain processes ...
Good thing I don't have EQ to distract me ( this system can't play EQ, only load it enough to play with UI. :) ).


Daneel 08-04-2002 11:05 AM

I've been trying to put my full name on a single line in the player window since the UI was released. I'm sure its not a modification of the Player_HP gauge but I could be wrong. As Irras' attachment shows above, it appears to be possible.

I've seen numerous mods that have the player first name on a line without the surname at all. Although I can copy and paste code that does that for me, I still don't understand how it works. I think the first name is attached the Player_HPNumber (EQType 17).

Please post any other ideas you have for this. It's driving me nuts right now.

Mafoo 08-04-2002 04:00 PM

Hmm such a gauntlet i cannot resist!
i have some ideas!
let me see what i can do!

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