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CVamian 09-20-2004 07:28 PM

Cannot move player names in group
Using this group window:


Problem I am having is I cannot move the player name at all. I have two %s showing;

One at the end of the bar, and one in the middle of the bar.

if I move:

GW_HPLabel - moves the 0
GW_HPPercLabel - moves the %

Doesn't move the name at all.

It moves the 0 and the % that is on the bar up or down, left or right, which ever way I move it; even though it says in the code that GW_HPLabel = the player name; I have found it doesn't, and instead moves the % that is in the bar.

I have found nothing that moves the player names at all. Am I missing something?

Aramil Dannodel 09-20-2004 08:37 PM

Re: Cannot move player names in group
If you're looking for the EQTypes for the names of the players in your group window, you can find them in the sticky thread with a complete list of all known EQTypes (that's right, they do have their own EQTypes).

Hopefully, that should give you a bit more insight into referencing the EQTypes needed to make your changes.

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Bitch at Amiez!! -- in the words of Spleen.

CVamian 09-20-2004 09:09 PM

I see it here:

<Label item ="GW_HPLabel1">

But shows as: 35 = Group Member 1 Health Pecentage

So I would change the # from 35 to 30 to correspond:
30 = Group Member 1 Name

In the bottom it has:

If I did that change wouldn't completely disrupt this to represent the 0%s from the patch prior?

As those were included to show 100 then % for the new group bars earlier; what I am asking if I changed the eqtype to Names instead of % wouldn't it mess it up ?

Aramil Dannodel 09-20-2004 09:19 PM

Re: Cannot move player names in group
That's not what I'm saying at all. You still need the EQType 35 to show the number for the percentage of that character's remaining HP...you need another, seperate reference to add in the Player's Name (with EQType 30), as well.

Remember, you need to reference everything that you want displayed, and locations, etc. I'm not telling you to replace anything, I'm telling you to add the new references, with the proper EQTypes, plus the other definitions needed (location, size, font size, etc.)

EDIT: Also keep in mind that the EQType 35 is for "GW_HPLabel1", which is the number that labels the remaining HP percentage on the first group member in the window (whoever is assigned to be targetted with F2, for example).

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Bitch at Amiez!! -- in the words of Spleen.

CVamian 09-20-2004 11:35 PM

I PMed the person who made this, no answer yet, hope they get back to me; thanks Aramil

Looking in default I don't even see:
30 = Group Member 1 Name
31 = Group Member 2 Name
32 = Group Member 3 Name
33 = Group Member 4 Name
34 = Group Member 5 Name

I guess they weren't meant to be moved.

Deathbane27 09-21-2004 01:38 AM

The text is attached to the HP gauge, EQTypes 11-15.

<Gauge item="GW_Gauge1"> <ScreenID>Gauge1</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>20</X> <Y>-2</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>108</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <TextOffsetX>8</TextOffsetX> <TextOffsetY>0</TextOffsetY> <GaugeOffsetX>8</GaugeOffsetX> <GaugeOffsetY>12</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <FillTint> <R>220</R> <G>0</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <LinesFillTint> <R>220</R> <G>220</G> <B>0</B> </LinesFillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>11</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>A_GaugeBackground</Background> <Fill>A_GaugeFill</Fill> <Lines>A_GaugeLines</Lines> <LinesFill>A_GaugeLinesFill</LinesFill> <EndCapLeft>A_GaugeEndCapLeft</EndCapLeft> <EndCapRight>A_GaugeEndCapRight</EndCapRight> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge>

Just alter the TextOffset values (the Y one wasn't there to begin with but you can add it in) to adjust the location of the text (in relation to the Location tags). You may also need to add and adjust the GaugeOffset tags as well. (The GaugeOffset tags weren't there in the original file either. I have no idea what their default values are.)

CVamian 09-21-2004 04:05 PM

text is attached to the HP gauge

weird I don't see eqtype 30-34... I'll mess with it and see where it goes.

Not showing on the custom:
<Gauge item="GW_Gauge1">

Deathbane27 09-22-2004 12:05 AM

... read... it... again...

Originally Posted by Deathbane27
The text is attached to the HP gauge, EQTypes 11-15.

Just alter the TextOffset values (the Y one wasn't there to begin with but you can add it in) to adjust the location of the text (in relation to the Location tags). You may also need to add and adjust the GaugeOffset tags as well. (The GaugeOffset tags weren't there in the original file either. I have no idea what their default values are.)

CVamian 09-22-2004 12:35 AM

ok I'll try it out.. sorry. :(

Deathbane27 09-22-2004 02:04 AM

Sorry for being cross with you. :o

Yes, those tags weren't included in the original file because they weren't needed to put the names where the author wanted them. Since you're moving them it may be necessary to add those tags to get what YOU want. :)

CVamian 09-24-2004 12:25 PM

<Gauge item="GW_Gauge1">



I tried this on all of them for GW_Gauge1-GW_Gauge5; added TextOffsetY with number being -1 where the location of the gauge is at. Even changed the color of the name text. It worked for GW_Gauge1, but it made the other player names invisible.

Aramil Dannodel 09-24-2004 02:01 PM

Re: Cannot move player names in group
Heh, not a problem at all.

Like you took a stab at, and Deathbane illustrated, no, in the default files, they don't reference the nametags. It's not specifically that they weren't meant to be moved and edited (as they did leave us with the EQTypes to satisfy that option), but merely that the default group window is designed in such a method that the nametags appear in the "proper" spot without any referencing.

Thanks to Deathbane for his help, though. He explained it much better than I ever could have. I've said it before...I'm awful at trying to explain things. I'm more of a visual teacher, than anything else. Probably because I learn in the same method. Have a person show me how to do something, let me do it with their supervision once, and I'll have it. /shrug
Anyways, glad to be of help. I think I'm more pleasantly surprised at the fact that I remotely sounded as if I knew what the devil I was talking about...I did, I just tend to sound the opposite, most of the time.

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Bitch at Amiez!! -- in the words of Spleen.

draxshar 09-24-2004 02:31 PM

I had the same problem. What I ended up having to do is exactly what Deathbane has said and that is to add the gauge x and y offsets. The labels are EQ Types 11-15 and are attached to the gauge itself. (You can use EQ Types 30-34 however the party memebers names will disappear when you or that other person zones, found that out the hard way). If you have a program like SidlWidl, it helps because you can actually have a visual as to what is happening when you move stuff around as opposed to reloading your skin a million times in game to see what has changed. Here is a link to it.SidlWidl. (Thanks Dolby! /bow) You also need Microsoft .NET framework installed for it to run. (Available from Microsofts website). It makes UI modding only mildy irritating instead of totally frustrating. Hope this helps...

<Gauge item="GW_Gauge1">

CVamian 09-24-2004 03:18 PM

ah okies.. The reason why I wanted to move them is that the first name in group bar is teetering on the edge of the graphic, I tried enlarging the box itself at the bottom screen group, but all that did was elongate the bottom of it, not the top as well; oh well, I tried... Thanks =)

draxshar 09-24-2004 04:01 PM

Where do you want them moved to CV? I could do it for you, but I need to know where you want the names moved to...

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