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lodidodi 02-10-2004 03:29 PM

Lodi Dodi 2.0.3 - Updated for 2/10/04 patch

(This image was reduced from its actual size of 1152x864 down to 600x480 for easier viewing. Click here for the full size image.)

Major Features:

-Customized rotating target ring
-Four tabs (bags/head/arms/body) added to hot button window for immediate access to all inventory slots
-Target window contains arrow indicating /consider color (green, light blue, dark blue, white, yellow, or red) of target
-Color of health gauges (target, player, and group members) changes from green (50%-100%) to yellow (20%-49%) to red (0%-19%)
-Text added for buffs, songs, and memorized spells

Visit http://www.lodidodi.net for more information, including a FAQ, screenshots and tips for every window, and optional downloads.

Please post your comments/suggestions here. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, as I am very willing to make changes to this UI to make it the best it can be.

Lodi Dodi

Links to eqinterface.com download sections:
Complete Lodi Dodi UI 2.0.3 - Updated for 2/10/04 patch
Standalone Lodi Dodi Hot Button Window - Existing UI Graphics
Standalone Lodi Dodi Hot Button Window - Lodi Dodi Graphics

Kalohela 02-10-2004 09:53 PM

I absolutely LOVE this UI. I've been searching for one like it some time now. The overall look is so streamline, and the changing HP colors is absolutely awesome IMO. The handy FaQ and guide on your webpage is also great for those with blonde roots like myself ;)

I was wondering if it's possible to get a "short duration buff box" designed to go vertically along the rightside of the screen? I have a chat box in the top left hand corner, and there's not enough room along the top for it, and buff window, and song window. Can I download it from another UI without breaking this one? Thanks in advance. Excellent job with this UI, I hope you keep this updated with future patches etc :)

Exarch Kalohela <Kratos>
Veeshan Server

lodidodi 02-11-2004 01:57 PM


Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you like the UI.

Rest assured that I will be doing regular updates to this UI. I first created the Lodi Dodi UI (version 1.0.0) on 8/2/02. Even though it was just being used by me and a small group of friends, I updated it for every patch and made tweaks to it based on the suggestions of my friends. Then I did a complete rewrite of the UI which I finished on 12/23/03 (version 2.0.0) and after it had been playtested for a month by my friends and their guildmembers, I finally posted version 2.0.2 here on EQInterface.com. I've received lots of great feedback from folks (the thread for version 2.0.2 can be found here) and made a number of changes and optional downloads based on those suggestions.

Regarding a vertical song window, that sounded like a good idea so I created it as an optional download which can be found at http://www.lodidodi.net. It does end up taking up quite a bit of space because of the way I use the blue/red icon background (the numbers for the slots have to be on top of the icon, instead of on the side) so if this doesn't meet your needs, you can always try downloading a standalone song window from someone else and trying that out.

Thanks again for the feedback,
Lodi Dodi

danceattack 02-11-2004 02:12 PM

Hi Lodi =)

Just wanted to let you know that I have never used a UI before other then the one that EQ provides when you log into the game... I downloaded your for the first time yesterday and LOVE IT!

Its WONDERFUL FOR CLERICS cause it gives you a major warning when party members are low on HPS as they reach 50 percent and lower by their life bar going from green to yellow and then too red!! So it totally catches your eye and stands out.

I wanted to ask though, the one thing i noticed was that I could not see my resist stats in the new UI anywhere. Am I missing it?? Cause i looked all over. Other then that this UI is perfercto!!

Thanks again for your hard work!!

Queenthel Baenre
53 Cleric of Cazic Thule

lodidodi 02-11-2004 03:10 PM


Thanks for the kind words.

Stats (STR, STA, etc) and resists can be found on a new "info" tab I added to the Actions Window (the window with the Sit and Camp buttons, and where you set up your socials). If you look at the main screenshot for the UI, it is visible on the right side of the screen. "SvP" = save vs poison, "SvM" = save vs magic, etc.

Lodi Dodi

lodidodi 02-14-2004 09:58 AM


Quite a few people have requested a horizontal spell window, so I created one as an optional download available at http://www.lodidodi.net.

Here is a screenshot:


Lodi Dodi

Cutanea 02-14-2004 11:58 AM

quick question for you, the stat window/group window (with your info as far as exp and health)...is that resizable? Or am I just dumb and can't figure out how to resize it?
Otherwise I love the ui


Mogur 02-14-2004 12:27 PM

Like this UI a lot. I use it now that "Icey Blue" is out of commission. Have one peeve tho. I like to set a lot of my windows to transparent so I have a better screen view. When I do it with this UI I seem to lose the numbers on the spell cast window. No biggie as I usually know my pattern and what key to hit without seeing the number (or can count down quick), but it would be nice to have them. I do change spell sets sometime! Also missing the color con arrow in the target window but I use the target ring color for con usually anyway. Also wish the pet window was sizable so it would show more buffs but I think I know how to do that by myself.

lodidodi 02-14-2004 12:48 PM


No, the player/group window isn't resizable. Is it because you want to make it smaller to hide the group part of it when you aren't grouped?

It's actually not too hard to make it resizeable on your own. Just open the "EQUI_GroupWindow.xml" file. At the bottom of the file there will be a section that starts with:

<Screen item = "GroupWindow">

About 20 lines down from that, you will see the lines:


You just need to change those to:


(The reason you need to add the border is that the border is what you drag to resize the window, so it needs to be there to make the resizing possible.)

After you've made those changes, save the file then reload the UI.

Hope that works for you,
Lodi Dodi

lodidodi 02-14-2004 01:55 PM


1) I tried setting the transparancy of the spell casting window, and for me the numbers faded the same amount as the spell gems. Since the numbers are part of the background, there really is no way to have them not fade out along with the rest of the window. Let me know if you are talking about something else.

2) The con color arrow in the target window is actually a separate window. (It has to be that way due to the way the player and target windows are hard-coded in the game). Go to http://www.lodidodi.net and check out the FAQ page and the graphics page for tips on how to find the window with the con color arrow so you can move it into the target window.

3) I wish the pet window could be sizable too. :) However, all my testing has shown that only the width can be sizable, not the height. I have just added some optional downloads to http://www.lodidodi.net for pet windows that have more buff slots. That is the best workaround I could come up with.

Thanks for the feedback, and let me know if I misunderstood you about that transparancy issue,
Lodi Dodi

Mogur 02-15-2004 01:22 AM

Thanx for the revamped pet window! I'll have to download one of those to use. On the spells window thing I dunno. I set my transparency to 100 % and the window background fades out. The spell gems don't fade at all. The spell names don't fade at all. All I lose is the numbers... Same thing happens in the Spell buff window.

EDIT: OK I guess I should have done this before I posted but I got to thinking and went into EQ to double check my settings on these windows and here it is. The buff window is set at: NORMAL = 100%, FADED = 0%. The Gems window is set at 100% for both, which actually means there is no fade at all. I guess I'm just missing the numbers for some reason. I did download the GoD updated UI. ShouldI try reinstalling it or what would you suggest?

Guurn 02-15-2004 03:25 AM

Any chance of you making the right sided spell window as a seperate element?

Cutanea 02-15-2004 07:28 PM

Yes that was what I was looking for, thanks. Now the ui is perfect


lodidodi 02-16-2004 11:45 AM


OK that makes more sense now. If you set the Buff Windows to 0%, then the background (which is the grey blocks and the numbers) will disappear completely, but the text and icons (including the blue/red borders around the icons) will never fade regardless of the transparency setting. Since the blue/red border has a hole in it for the number to show through, when the background fades to 0% that is why the number is disappearing. You're not really saving any space by making it fade so just set that window to 100% and problem solved. :)

The spell gem (aka spell casting) window is a different story. Here the numbers and the gems are both part of the background, so if one fades, so should the other, which doesn't even matter since you say you have it set to 100% anyway. If you downloaded the optional horizonal spell window, make sure you copied both files from the zip into your UI directory (the .xml and the .bmp) since the .bmp file is a revised version that includes the numbers in the horizontal layout. If you just overwrote the old .xml but left the original .bmp, that would explain why the numbers are missing.

Guurn -

I have received other requests to make standalone versions of the spell casting windows, so I do plan on doing that. You can expect to see standalone verisons posted soon. In fact, the next time I post a new version of the UI, I'm hoping to make quite a few of the windows work as standalones.

Lodi Dodi

Hawkewind 02-16-2004 12:14 PM

How do you?
have time to do all this and respond so quickly not only to our questions but our suggestions?

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