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Bucco 08-18-2003 07:07 PM

Bucui for 1600x1200
Bucui for 1600x1200

I'm looking for feedback on, and any problems with, this UI, which can be found in the mix'n'match section on the link above.

I basically created it for playing in 1600x1200 on my 21" monitor, since I wasn't having much luck finding any others that work well for me at that resolution. I started with Kaori's mod, since it was the closest to the feel I wanted. Please let me know what you think :).

Oh, and post your monitor size with your comments.... Thanks!


Military 08-19-2003 08:26 PM

i love the gui but i can't find the group commands (lfg, follow, invite)

did you cut them out?:/

Haliken 08-19-2003 09:56 PM

Many UI authors remove these pointless buttons since you can use / commands (/invite {/inv}, /disband {/disb}, /lfg) or hotkeys (ctrl+I, ctrl+D).


P.S. - Personally, I use ctrl+I for invite and /disb to exit (removed the ctrl+D hotkey, hit it on accident more than once).

Military 08-19-2003 10:02 PM

i'm not very familiar with all the commands...how do i accept an invite without the button?

thanks in advance:)

Bucco 08-19-2003 10:39 PM

I personally use CTRL+I and CTRL+D. I does invite/follow and D does decline/disband. However, if you prefer the buttons, they are also on the actions menu in the bottom left hand corner.

LFG is not, but you can either use type /LFG or create a custom social button and put it on your hotkeys.


Military 08-19-2003 10:44 PM

heh i feel dumb, thanks...great gui, i love it;p

pinafun 08-20-2003 09:32 AM

looks awesome. running a 17" moniter. Need an 800x600 UI! /cry

Bucco 08-20-2003 06:31 PM

The problem with 800x600 is that most people want more information than the screen can easily hold without impeding the view. If I were looking for one that would work well at this resolution I would probably try mintop and minbot by Slyphan in the complete sets section.

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