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Eloora 09-11-2003 11:05 AM

Any innovative UI's....
...in the works as of yet? Is anyone working on something that's gonna hit us like Quartz did....like Delta or Forry or ACUI or Drakah did? Those are just a few of the really innovative ones, and don't get me wrong I love lots of UI's out there and use many different ones, but variety is the spice of life eh? Might as well get it when you can ;).

More new projects please! Show us your ideas, even if they're crazy! Use the latest info in xml modificatin, the most awesome graphics you can find. Impress those of us who have been around since that other little site before eqgui.com was all we had!

Taleisin 09-11-2003 11:53 AM

Lunix 40 days away... will hit you like a barrel of building bricks :P

Also I have several remakes in progress

*Stone Angel Lunix

*Solaria Lunix

*Sleek Enok 9 Lunix

but enough from me, where are all the new peoples ideas.... there has been a lack of originality lately... (even in mine) :eek:

ArkonFerat 09-11-2003 12:14 PM

hehehehe... I thought I was trying to be original... but I guess I'm not!


Taleisin 09-11-2003 05:40 PM

I'm not saying that there aren't those out there that are being original.. just the numbers in comparied to people just making mix&matchs is very low.

Rieve 09-11-2003 06:42 PM

Patched out
I stopped trying after a while... Maybe just having it ready and ending up redoing it for the next patch and then the next patch and then when they change the way things work, and then patch.

Gets old after a while. I have a few good mods that I can fix when the patches happen. other than that, it's just to much of a headache untill they slow down with the breaking of our UI's every patch.

Am I just bitter?
Am I just blue?
is that furry critter,
biting you too?

Eloora 09-11-2003 07:56 PM

I don't know maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't generally consider a UI "new" or "innovative" or otherwise consider it to stand out if it doesn't contain at least a different background graphic than the awful grey stone EQ chose. Yuk! Can't stand it lol. I'm not trying to pick on Lunix or anything, but since you did speak so boldly about your upcoming UI, maybe you can field some CC ;)
I've only seen bits and pieces of your work but so far it's not too bad. Not to my taste because it doesn't seem to stray too far from the default, or it just adds some extra functionality, and we all know the default is the devil :p

Some of your pieces seem to be popular, so it's likely I am in the minority on some of my opinions, and I'd like nothing more than your completed UI to hit me like a barrel of building bricks. Just tellin' ya now, it takes a lot to impress me!


Taleisin 09-12-2003 12:26 AM

all those lunix bits I have posted for download... they are just practice.. that is nothing like what Lunix will look like. sorry for the confusion :-)

well Lunix might not be that great in differance, but it is fairly different than most UIs you will find for download.

ArkonFerat 09-12-2003 12:33 AM


Have you looked at the screens i put up of what I am working on in the PRE-BETA forum?

Interested to see what you think...


PS - The thread is called "An Idea!"

Thomus 09-12-2003 03:06 AM

I have several in development, but I've been avoiding posting screenshots for my own reasons, I realize that my "Animated Steamworks" wasn't for everyone due to it's "Gnomish Theme", but this UI contains a plethora of high quality graphics and animation throughout the UI that brings it to life while blending consistently aloft the games environment, like my “Celtic UI” which was a compilation that I made complete with a consistent look and feel that truly fits an RPG/Fantasy game, and though Draconis is only partially incomplete -- it contains highly detailed art that is both unique and original, I've created 18 custom class animations, nearly 40 high quality and uniquely designed spellbooks, many different sets and iterations of high quality icons that are widely in use, a multitude of inventory designs that spawned an even greater multitude of custom UI's, Cairen's T.King art based UI has been downloaded over 12,000 times, I've also made 20 different styles of custom MP3 player skins.

I have a total of 71 files on eqinterface.com that I personally uploaded, not including the files on my site, I have nearly 86,000 download hits on eqinterface.com alone not counting the over 150k downloads from my own site, if I made no impact since Quartz or the other aforementioned UI’s -- then I guess I don't know what impact means, I’d like to think my contributions to the UI community made enough of an impact to warrant mention, whether my work was to someone’s liking or not I did contribute a lot of my personal time.

I currently have 4 different UI's in the works, one of which will be more for all races and classes, a more traditional D&D/RPG style interface with high fantasy graphics and superb animation, and of course it will be like nothing ever seen before, as I’ve expanded my hardware to allow greater detail in my work. I can make the UI look like a boom-box, I can even make it look like the front panel of a stereo, or like something that has been posted on WinAMP or Window Blinds, and I’m sure a lot of people might like that, but to me EverQuest is and will always be a unique Fantasy themed game, which is why I make themes appropriate to the content, that is why my themes are what they are in case anyone is wondering.

Kunis Marfury 09-12-2003 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Thomus
I have several in development, but I've been avoiding posting screenshots for my own reasons, I realize that my "Animated Steamworks" wasn't for everyone due to it's "Gnomish Theme", but this UI contains a plethora of high quality graphics and animation throughout the UI that brings it to life while blending consistently aloft the games environment, like my “Celtic UI” which was a compilation that I made complete with a consistent look and feel that truly fits an RPG/Fantasy game, and though Draconis is only partially incomplete -- it contains highly detailed art that is both unique and original, I've created 18 custom class animations, nearly 40 high quality and uniquely designed spellbooks, many different sets and iterations of high quality icons that are widely in use, a multitude of inventory designs that spawned an even greater multitude of custom UI's, Cairen's T.King art based UI has been downloaded over 12,000 times, I've also made 20 different styles of custom MP3 player skins.

I have a total of 71 files on eqinterface.com that I personally uploaded, not including the files on my site, I have nearly 86,000 download hits on eqinterface.com alone not counting the over 150k downloads from my own site, if I made no impact since Quartz or the other aforementioned UI’s -- then I guess I don't know what impact means, I’d like to think my contributions to the UI community made enough of an impact to warrant mention, whether my work was to someone’s liking or not I did contribute a lot of my personal time.

I currently have 4 different UI's in the works, one of which will be more for all races and classes, a more traditional D&D/RPG style interface with high fantasy graphics and superb animation, and of course it will be like nothing ever seen before, as I’ve expanded my hardware to allow greater detail in my work. I can make the UI look like a boom-box, I can even make it look like the front panel of a stereo, or like something that has been posted on WinAMP or Window Blinds, and I’m sure a lot of people might like that, but to me EverQuest is and will always be a unique Fantasy themed game, which is why I make themes appropriate to the content, that is why my themes are what they are in case anyone is wondering.

but will you do a warrior animation ? :)

ok j/k !!! don't though me anvils !!!!!!

you made an unbelievable work for the ui community indeed ! no one can deny that :D

Eloora 09-12-2003 09:48 AM

I perused your new UI's post only after posting my last post here, so you are right in that Lunix is different from what we've seen from you so far. Anxious to see its progression...

If you'll recall I was the first to post on your 'An Idea' thread, and if I recall correctly I liked the idea at the time. It has progressed dramatically, and although only time will tell as to whether I shall download it and try it out, I definately think it fits into the innovative category :) Keep up the good work!

How I forgot you in my list is beyond me, but the names and UIs that I gave in my first post was by no means exhaustive. Your work and contribution for the EQGUI is in a category all its own, and you are an accomplished artist in your own right. I think you covered most of your bases rather well in the previous post so I need not sing your praises too much ;) However I anxiously await what seems like an eternity untill your Monk class animation is complete :D.

Thomus 09-12-2003 02:19 PM

Monk and Warrior animations are nearly done, I will say that the Warrior class animation utilizes a sword and shield with really cool effects as if to be in battle, and the Monk animation was really fun, it allowed me to design a really cool throwing star with hand animation, I don't play either of these classes but I may use them myself, in fact I asked Remelio to make the installer automatically allow installation of any animation for any class via a menu selection, that way people don't have to hack the install files to get it to work, when all of the class animations are done (including the Paladin remake, didn't like how I did it), I will go back and review every animation and get as much feedback from the community as possible, and if I have to completely remake some fo them then I will, I want each animation to absolutely reflect each class, and I want each one to be the highest quality, many of them were rushed which is why there are noticable differences between several of them.

Anyhow, the UI that I'm most excited about is Magika, this is the UI I am planning to use myself. :)

Cairenn 09-12-2003 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Thomus
Anyhow, the UI that I'm most excited about is Magika, this is the UI I am planning to use myself. :)

Thomus already knows how much I'm chomping at the bit to get a look at this one. ;)

Eloora 09-12-2003 04:09 PM

Is Magika a new UI that you are working on Thomus, or someone else's? I haven't heard anything about it...
I'm curious to know what UI you personally use atm Thomus, since you mentioned using this Magika UI.

Thomus 09-13-2003 12:19 AM

Magika is something I'm working on, and I'm using no specific UI right now as I'm doing updates and/or enhancements for this weekend.

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