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Kudane 01-06-2003 04:52 PM

10 Hour Patch on Thurs. Including Menu Fix
About 2 weeks ago I emailed Absor about the error when using the /loadskin menu.
Not sure if you are aware, but the menu that comes up with /loadskin is still not functioning.. I am kudane from EQInterface.com and we still get many people every week trying to use that menu and it will not load any UI's the error log shows double "//" hash marks as if it simply got an error in the code to load.. if you would like to visit eqinterface.com and surf some of the help topics you will see where everyone who has tried to use this menu has not had luck.. I hope someone had already told ya... but since Hammerfel didn't know when i talked to him.. i thought I should send in a message.

Kudane Cheetahfeet
Admin/Owner EQInterface.com

Got this reply today
Thanks for the heads up. It seems we did not know about this issue. It has been fixed and should be patched on Thursday.



So now we know at least one thing that will be in the 10 hour patch on Thurs.

Expect the new bard buff box, and window-able EQ to go in too.

- Kudane

Kelric 01-07-2003 01:30 AM

You know, I learned the dangers of assumption long ago, and I STILL just assumed they knew about the problem.


Well, way to go, Kudane! It's about time they got it fixed - thanks for taking that on and getting it done!

Blacklord_sith 01-08-2003 09:41 AM

Aye here here! Glad to know I wasn't the only one having this problem. Now if we can let em know about the server filter that's not filtering lol. :p

Acacious 01-08-2003 09:41 AM

Nice job
Thanks for sending that email Kudane!

hedbonker 01-08-2003 10:26 AM

Windowed EQ
has anyone tried EQW with the windowed version of the EQ client on test? I played with the test client and I must say that I prefer EQW's handling of switching windows and mouse control.

kenney 01-08-2003 10:27 AM

I have also tryed to send a emale about this, but no luck not even a thanks about telling um ... I'm glad you had some luck with it ..
And cant wait for the bard window ...It would be nice if the mobs buffs will go in that window :D

:nana: :nana: :nana: WOOT

sc2kmayor 01-08-2003 11:01 AM

Kudane -

Do you think they added that Loot Slot 30 on purpose or just blew it? Maybe a quick email to Abs would prevent that one from slipping by and causing all sorts of chaos with debuggin a bunch of the complete sets (just to have it patched later and then we have to backtrack all the changes again.)

abraxxass 01-08-2003 12:25 PM

now if only they would fix the /serverfilter...

Cravin 01-08-2003 12:49 PM

my vote is for /camp Desktop to work again.

slak 01-08-2003 01:57 PM

/camp desktop will work if your spellbook is open... not exactly sure why though. :)

and I believe /serverfilter would help more people than the /camp desktop bug... but rumor is they intentionally disabled /serverfilter to cut down on the work the servers do... INSTEAD of upgrading the servers :(

Aelfric 01-08-2003 02:05 PM

They knew about the problem
I personally sent in half a dozen bug reports about the loadskin issue over the course of the last few months. I've also bugged the /camp desktop problem as well.

sc2kmayor 01-08-2003 02:14 PM

Kudane begins to cast a spell.
Absor is enthralled and will do anything Kudane commands.
All EQ issues are now fixed.


Kudane 01-08-2003 04:40 PM

Originally posted by sc2kmayor
Kudane begins to cast a spell.
Absor is enthralled and will do anything Kudane commands.
All EQ issues are now fixed.


Man I WISH!!! I sent this in using the "submit comment" in the Dev forum on the eqlive site.. personally I think i just got very lucky..

One of the things I would like to see finished are the newbie armor quest for Trolls/Ogres/Iksar/Vah Shir/ and Good aligned Eurdites. I know these dont really effect anyone whos main is over 10.. but its fun to take a break for a weekend and be a newbie and go make your own armor.. and then later tell begging newbies about it so they feel a sense of acomplishment and ending the begging :)

harvyst 01-08-2003 06:16 PM

There actually are newbie armour quests for the vah shir.

There's a guy in shadeweavers who wants assorted junk, in exchange he'll give you a complete suit. The problem is to get the tunic and the legs, you have to hunt things on the other side of the tunnels, where everything is kos and red and nasty. By the time you can hunt there, you wouldn't want that armour.


You can also get a whole set of clubs by turning in hopper talons of various forms, and a 6 slot wr bag by collecting chittik poop.

Not to mention the cloak quests plus the blessed champions' cape.... there are plenty of things for baby vah shir to do.

Kelric 01-08-2003 08:12 PM

Don't forget Barbarians! Beastlords and Rogues have low level armor, but shamans don't... not sure about warriors... but it's a large reason I deleted my barb shaman - I could have more fun with a race/class that HAD quests to do.

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