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¥oJimBo 12-08-2003 03:29 PM

Druid vs. Neco vs. Bard
I have been thinking of the ult. soloing class... Could any one tell me what they think?

1. for Druid
2. for Necro
3. Bard

Hope some one could tell me.. OO and what is a good sever :)

kasca 12-08-2003 03:34 PM

i have all 3..
out of these Druid...but iam found the best off all seems to be beastlord.

my 2 copper:D

Kudane 12-08-2003 03:36 PM

please try to hit "REPLY" and not "POST NEW" when replying..

double thread merged together..


Contra 12-08-2003 04:14 PM

This topic has been debated to DEATH

For your benefit:

All classes have their niche - druids, wizards, necros, shamans, enchanters, and bards can all solo "exceptionally" well. All classes can solo under the right circumstances, but these classes are good at soloing in the most circumstances.

Druids/Wizards are the best at Quad kiting, without a doubt. Necros are the best at soloing any dungeon below 50, and fear kiting. Bards are without question, the best at swarm kiting, and contend with enchanters/druids as charm kiting kings. All these classes are very good at other things as well, but let's just leave it to Kiting. What type of kiting gives the greatest reward per successful kite? Without doubt or hesitation, AE kiting. BUT, you can only AE kite under very limited conditions, and it takes more skill then most people have, so it is not practical.

There is NO BEST SOLO CLASS. Only what you like to do, and what you’re best suited for.

Basically, necros are the easiest class to solo with, and then druids. I've played both, and their very fun in their own way.

**Note** It occurs to me that you don't know what quad, fear, charm, and swarm kiting are.

Quad kiting - Aggroing 4 mobs at a time, casting snare on them, and using dots/nukes to kill them in bunch's. It's relatively safe, though very draining on mana at low levels.

Fear kiting - Snaring a mob, and then casting a fear spell which makes the mob run from you. Necro's will then have their pet's attack the fleeing mob, and use dot/nuke to kill them.

Charm/swarm kiting - Casting a charm spell on a mob, and having it attack another mob. When one gets low on life, usually you break charm, snare both mobs, and kill them both for all the exp. There is a type of charm kiting (calles swarm kiting) where you pull a swarm of mobs, charm one, and send that mob into your swarm. It's effective as well, but it requires a lot of in-game knowledge and skill to keep your aggro low enough to do it.

AE kiting - The "extreme" form of kiting. Basically, you pull as many melee mobs (Note - Non-summoning, and with short melee range) as you want, and with the use of SoW/Selo's, you run the mobs in different patterns that allow you to hit the mobs with AE DoT's, without the mobs killing you. At high levels you must be perfect if you want to do this. IE, if you mess up once, you’re dead. The rewards are by far the greatest, but it requires skill that many people don't have.

Basically, their all good~ Stop asking for opinions, and start forming some of your own.

Auff 12-08-2003 04:25 PM

What you just described is not 'Swarm Kiting'. That is 'AE Kiting' or 'PBAE Kiting'.

Swarm Kiting - Pull a lot of mobs (non-summoning). Round them up into a clump and charm one. The swarm then beats your pet senseless - and in a hurry. When your pet is near death, you use some form of invis to break the charm. You finish your former pet with targeted DoT songs, and charm a new pet. Repeat untill the whole swarm is dead or you go OOM.


laertise 12-09-2003 09:02 AM

Last night I was in hhk with my beast doing some soloing I was doin goblins and had ran up to the court yard to grab a clarity. When out comes a lvl 34 bard, he had all the nobles all the bards and all the guards in hhk following he hits the court yard and starts his aoe kiting. Iv'e played a druid to a beast and a chanter. Solo'd with all of them. But nothing I ever did compared to what this bard was doing.

PS I personally like to solo with my beast


¥oJimBo 12-09-2003 11:21 AM

Yes, sorry for the dub. post......... And Bst are nice.. but i have found they become no fun

Kudane 12-09-2003 11:59 AM

Originally posted by ¥oJimBo
And bst are nice... but i have found they become no fun

what level did you get your BST too???

¥oJimBo 12-09-2003 01:02 PM

I got my bst to 60, played him for 1months and a half... it was all power play.. level race... But after 60 it was no fun..But that accout has been gone for sometime.. i am looking to make a comeback to eq.. that is why i was looking for witch one would be more fun.

And sorry for my spelling

¥oJimBo 12-10-2003 03:01 PM

ok, every one i talk to says make a druid.... and i think i will.
Any one have a good sever to play on?

Kudane 12-10-2003 03:09 PM

if first character ever... i would suggest STROMM... its the newest server.


archeiron 12-10-2003 03:35 PM

Originally posted by ¥oJimBo
ok, every one i talk to says make a druid.... and i think i will.
Any one have a good sever to play on?

I am a lvl 65 druid. I have been playing EQ since before Kunark came out. I am in a PoTime guild on Veeshan. I would venture that my opinion of druids is worth something.

My advice is to make a bard. They are a much more polished class than the druid. They have a better image than the druid class (in general) and as such will a new bard will find it easier to group when they want to. At the high end, bards are absolutely godlike in their abilities when played well. They can solo as well at most levels and at certain levels in certain zones, bards can earn more solo xp than any other class. The option to solo is great, but when it gets tiring, the bard will have the easiest time out of the solo'ing classes for finding groups.

I would also suggest Stromm as its economy is less like to be completely decimated by now like the mature servers' economies have been.

¥oJimBo 12-11-2003 06:34 PM

I thank you

¥oJimBo 12-11-2003 06:37 PM

Well, the bard has been made.. got him to 34, going to take some time off.. big power play on that one(No more raceing)
But thanks. Right now at 34 i can take 10+ mobs... makes it more fun :)... I love the power! :)

squarpusher - brain bug
Have a nice day

¥oJimBo 12-11-2003 06:42 PM

I have one thing to say... tiwisting is well a wast of time, i Play SWG to, is there some way i can make a macro like in SWG for Eq?

Hope some one could tell me

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