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yaernin 11-02-2003 03:01 AM

UI newbi :(
errors like this makes little to no sense at all for me. been trying to scout the forum to find a solution, posting here just incase i dont find anything. :/

help dechipher please.

*EDIT* managed to fix some errors, these remains.

[Sun Nov 02 09:56:11 2003] [Line:822 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_GroupWindow.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_LFGBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:194 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_SongBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:216 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_GuildBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:238 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_MapBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:260 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_StoryBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:282 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_JournalBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:249 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_Inventory.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_InvCharm' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

[Line:6 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_InspectWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_InvCharm' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

Rellix 11-02-2003 03:28 AM

Means it's missing all that xml code in Templates, Selector, Inventory, and Inspect windows likely.

yaernin 11-02-2003 03:32 AM

Hmm, any idea on what to do next? doing some mix n matching here :P

Rellix 11-02-2003 03:36 AM

Try editing this in your Animations window:

click here

yaernin 11-02-2003 03:48 AM

testing that now. /praying

*edited top errors*

seems like there is an item file i cant seem to get to work.. odd...

Rellix 11-02-2003 04:02 AM

let me look around a bit more..

yaernin 11-02-2003 04:10 AM

i was checking thru the old patchfixes... 24 feb..

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_SongBtnPressedFlyby">

this line is found in the EQUI_animation window... but...

is reported bugged in EQUI_selectorwnd

[Line:194 Source:UIFiles\necro\EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml] Couldn't find class:item 'A_SongBtnPressedFlyby' reference in FieldParseItemOfClass()

think it can be a command somewhere pointing to the wrong file?

yaernin 11-02-2003 04:13 AM

hmm line 194 points to roughly:


tho the pressed command missing.. gonna try add it just for testing... brb.

well the command is there allright..

that was reporting missing/not working for some reason. :/

Rellix 11-02-2003 04:15 AM

Yep try that out: Also, which UI are you trying to use?

yaernin 11-02-2003 04:17 AM

aint trying to use any premade, mix and match some different i liked, some tking icons, someones specter pet window and so on.

yaernin 11-02-2003 04:18 AM

what buggs me is these words in the error file;
reference in FieldParseItemOfClass

i remeber reading something about it but i cant remeber what. :(

Rellix 11-02-2003 04:19 AM

trying to think what the problem is hehe.. hard at 4am :(

Rellix 11-02-2003 04:21 AM

Originally posted by yaernin
hmm line 194 points to roughly:

tho the pressed command missing.. gonna try add it just for testing... brb.

well the command is there allright..

that was reporting missing/not working for some reason. :/

I assume you mean it's there in selector window? if not, try checking out animations

yaernin 11-02-2003 04:23 AM

yeah that was in EQUI_selectorwnd

gonna take a peek inside EQUI_animations also see if there is something missing that my noobself can find

Rellix 11-02-2003 04:23 AM

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_SongBtnPressed"> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces04.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>52</X> <Y>48</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>26</CX> <CY>26</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_SongBtnPressedFlyby">

This is my animations.. check if you have that

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