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Mugwump c 11-13-2003 08:55 AM

3d ring modif
i was wondering if it would be possible to modify the 3d ring on the target so it's much more smaller than what it is now.
i like the idea, but for my taste, it's way too large, and not pretty at all..
i was thinking of something not larger than the size of the ring at its smaller point, so you could see what your target is but not having that huge ring pulsing.

i had a look at the ini file and change some stuff but didn't do any effect, i'm not very good at that kind of things.. :)

thanks in advance !

sithean 11-13-2003 10:33 AM


This thread may help.

kenney 11-13-2003 11:39 AM

you can make the ring thiner but its still the large size ring =\ they need to make um smaller and skinnyer

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