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Kunis Marfury 12-07-2003 07:12 AM

kunisUI -- mix&match
it's been a while since i started lurking around the site :)

i finally decided to post a UI. not a great addition to the community but i wanted to share it as it should get handy for some people (i hope)

so :
file details
a preview

not much to be said, just see the preview. if you like it, take if, if not, stone me :p

hop ! file has been moderated and agreed, please feel free to give some feedback :D

nb : the zip filel includes the original ovaltar (target window by Lunakin) that display you curren mana %

Genghiz Cohen 12-07-2003 05:23 PM

Looks like my kind of UI. Will give it a go and see how it works. :D

Kunis Marfury 12-07-2003 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Genghiz Cohen
Looks like my kind of UI. Will give it a go and see how it works. :D

feel free to flame... errr i meant : feel free to give me some feedback afterwards :)

Genghiz Cohen 12-08-2003 03:49 AM

Atually so far I don't have much to argue.

The only thing I'd like to change are the few instances where buttons are still labeled in French. So far I have only seen it in the group window (invite/disband buttons) so maybe that's the only place.

Other than that it's very nice indeed. Slick, simple and it doesn't give you a headache. =)

I will add a few touches of my own to finish up the last few details that I like to see. Such as baggies with Primary and Secondary slots included, spell gem window with names etc. Minor adjustments, really.

Good job!

Kunis Marfury 12-08-2003 04:31 AM

aye sorry about the french buttons :)
in fact for some windows such as the group one, i used the default one with RoundedNoTitle

though, if you you like the look of that windiw, juste take the EQUI_GroupWindow.xml in your default directory, copy/paste it in the folder kunisUI (if you named it that way :p) and open it.
find the text :

and change it to be :

Genghiz Cohen 12-08-2003 04:32 AM

I see. Thanks, will give it a go and see how it turns out. =)

Kunis Marfury 12-10-2003 04:16 PM

dumb me ! bonk me !

i thought ccake would work with the EQGUI_hotbuttonWND.xml i use... was i wrong !

so :
- i'll change the zip file and take out the useless weghty ccake (/mourne)
- please use the guide vert1.1_hotbuttons.txt included in the zip to change the mini inventory

sorry :|

Kunis Marfury 12-14-2003 07:36 AM


121 downloads and no feedback :)

i guess people don't like :D

Yelara 12-14-2003 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Kunis Marfury

121 downloads and no feedback :)

i guess people don't like :D

Not true.:P

Sorry for not saying so earlier. I kinda lost track of the forums here and just lurk the downloads, picking up new UIs as they appeal to me.

Been using your UI in 1024 res when I play boxed and love it. It's clean, simple no fuss no muss and doesn't lag me when running 2 instances of EQ

Thanks for a nice job

Kunis Marfury 12-16-2003 05:28 AM

aaaaaaaaaaaah :)

you enlighten my day :)

thanks for the feedback

/me drops his stool and rope to the ground

leama 12-16-2003 12:15 PM

Nice Mod!
Clean and un-cluttered. Using it on my new pally. Luv it.

*l'm getting a french lesson without even trying, LOL.
*the close/done buttons are in french?!
;) lea

Kunis Marfury 12-16-2003 01:38 PM

Re: Nice!
Originally posted by leama
*l'm getting a french lesson without even trying, LOL.

can't be that bad, can it ? :)

Originally posted by leama
*the close/done buttons are in french?!

on which windows ?
since i mostly used the defaults one (just taking out borders and titles) you can simply use your default ones too :)

if you have any issue, just post here or PM and i'll be happy to help you :)

leama 12-16-2003 03:58 PM

Not a problem!
can't be that bad, can it ?

Doesn't really bother me at all. ;)
Was just surprised when I first saw them on 8 slot bags.
Great job btw! :nana:

Kunis Marfury 12-16-2003 04:27 PM

heh :)

though, if you want the buttons labeled in english, just copy the EQUI_container.xml from the default folder to the kunisUI folder (or whatever you renamed it :p)

then open and find the lines :

and change them to :

leama 12-16-2003 05:38 PM

Thanks for the info!
;) lea

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