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Raxthorne 12-15-2003 05:00 PM

LOTS of new fun ......
Greetings all,

** Edit/Update **
Posted more items listed below ..........

The new items are:

Added: 12/15/2003
Rax's Double Gold Arcane Spellcasting Gauge (long)
Rax's Flipped Gold Arcane Spellcasting Gauge
Rax's Gold Arcane Spellcasting Gauge
Rax's Gold 6bbl Target Window
Rax's Dark 6bbl Target Window
Rax's 3D Map Window
Rax's WC3 Spell Icons v3
Rax's AYA Media Player
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (animated w/static bg)
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (animated)
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (static)

Added: 12/16/2003
Majestic Ring of Illusion (animated fullrotation w/static bg)
Majestic Ring of Illusion (animated fullrotation w/no bg)
Majestic Ring of Illusion (animated fullrotation)
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (animated w/no bg)
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (static w/no bg)
Rax's WC3 Spell Icons v1
Rax's Gold Spellbook
Rax's Ivory Spellbook
Rax's Small Transparent Buff Window

Added: 12/17/2003
Rax's celtictk Spell Bar

Added: 12/23/2003
Rax's Dark Arcane Spellcasting Gauge
Rax's Flipped Dark Arcane Spellcasting Gauge
Rax's Double Dark Arcane Spellcasting Gauge (long)

Added: 1/8/2004
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (animated w/static bg) v1.5
Majestic Ring of Illusion v2 (animated) v1.5

Patched the two animated ring to fix a bug in the fading text. The text now fades smoother and is what I designed it to be.

Added: 1/9/2004
Rax's Gold Trim EQUI v1.0

and .........

Its finally here! Sorry for the delay, but I was on vacation for the holidays.

Peeps at EQ Interface RULE!

Interfaces by Raxthorne



mortis42 12-15-2003 05:28 PM

Wow, lots of goodies. And just in time for x-mas.

When do you have time to play?

ĽoJimBo 12-15-2003 07:36 PM

Make it a full ui, what is up with all of this 1 stuff...

Raxthorne 12-15-2003 09:55 PM


lol, indeed that is part of the problem, work, family, playing artwork, etc .....


This is part of a bigger UI that is almost done. And yes these are extra bits and pieces that will allow people to mod thier UIs easily. So instead of waiting longer for some of the fun stuff that is in my UI, I posted it for those who want to enjoy! :)


Amitan 12-16-2003 09:09 AM

Very nice idea on target.

One wish to have a background on target.

So used to have the grey background as hp goes down.

Cairenn 12-16-2003 09:43 AM

Rax, oddity going on. I can download any of your other files you just uploaded, but I can't snag the MP3 player. Not sure where the problem is. Would you mind

a) checking to see if you can download it, and if not

b) re-upload it, I'll re-approve it and see if that fixes the problem.

Otherwise, I'll go bug Dolby and Kudane to see where the problem lies.



Raxthorne 12-16-2003 10:44 AM


I just downloaded all the new interfaces and unzipped them with out any issues. Let me know if there is still a problem and how I can assist.


Cairenn 12-16-2003 11:42 AM

Okay, dropped a note to Kudz and Dolby asking if they have any suggestions. I can download everything else you uploaded and other stuff by other folks all over the download sections, just not that one file ... very odd. Hopefully one of them may have an answer.

ĽoJimBo 12-16-2003 12:02 PM

Nice ui, love it

Cairenn 12-16-2003 01:55 PM

Hah! All fixed for me. Dolby had messed up my settings on downloads. *Teases Dolby* ;)

Calliopeia 12-16-2003 02:07 PM

Welcome Back!
Welcome back to EQ, Rax. I used your "blue" Deadly Virtues UI forever and loved it, but finally couldn't keep up with the patch changes and switched to a bard UI. If you ever resurrect that one, be sure to let me know.


Raxthorne 12-17-2003 09:10 AM


Thanks and it is good to be back. That was my first interface and boy did I have fun making that one. I never got around to posting it at eqinterface and have been busy at work on a new one. I'll be posting it soon enough and might take a look at bringing that original one back again. :)


Casanunda 12-17-2003 09:37 AM

Hey, Rax...

Your interfaces all look extremely cool, especially a few specific pieces that caught my eye. I REALLY like the look of your WC3-inspired target box, and am glad you have a "dark" version of it rather than gold, since the darker fits my UI more nicely. However, I was dismayed to find that it doesn't work--I'm given an error that, err..well, I lost it, but it was something to the effect that one of the pieces of that file already existed, so it loaded the default target file instead. It's dissapointing, because I was really looking forward to trying it out. If you need more information, I can probably dig it up.

Also, I was having another problem with the target indicator (the "Magestic Ring of Illusion animated fullrotation"). For some reason, the thing is extremely jerky in animation, rather than rotating fluidly as I think it should. Perhaps there's a problem with the configuration file? I placed everything I unzipped into my ui's directory, so there shouldn't be a problem there. Hope you can help, it looks really spiffy :D

And finally, I was wondering if you plan to make the nicely revised double casting gauges in a "dark" version to go along with the darker version of your target bar? I like the idea of two being there, for aesthetics sake. That's about all. I hope you'll be able to help with my problems, and look forward to using these fine interfaces soon!

Raxthorne 12-23-2003 02:38 PM

Bump ....... :P

Kudane 12-23-2003 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Raxthorne
Bump ....... :P

NOOOOOOO bumping Rax!!

Bad RAX!!!


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