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Kudane 03-02-2004 10:52 PM

Fan Faire less than a month away
<img src="http://www.eqinterface.com/images/sections/fanfair.gif" align="right">Greeting Fellow Norrathians!

With Fan Faire less than a month away, I am looking for some specific people who are going.

If you qualify as any of the three listed below and are going to Fan Faire please email me at [email protected] .

Are you:
A Guild Leader or Co-Leader
An Officer, and your Leader(s) are not going to faire
The only member of your guild that will be going

again, If you fit into any of those three category again, please email the address above.

I will fill in details as I get them, but for now I thought I would start with this to see who all responsed.


- Kudane

guice 03-03-2004 03:10 PM

ooh ooh .. do I count? :p

Actually, already sent ya an email. While not technically a leader anymore (I've submitted my resignation on EQ already), I am the site administrator and we (Chronology) do have a few class elders going.

Check the email for more details. It's from retired char by the name of Sithr!

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