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Armengar 08-23-2002 09:33 AM

My shaman UI and spellbook
I've been lurking here for quite some time, picking up as many tips and hints as possible. Now my UI is nearing completion and I'm finally happy enough with the general look of it to post a couple of pics. Still doing a few minor tweaks to get it just right.

The /view is set to fill only the open area framed by the UI windows. My resolution is 1152x864 and the windows are plotted very precisely, pixel by pixel, so using this in another resolution would take quite a bit of tweaking.

I have moved everything out of the player window and into the target window and put the target info in the player window. In other words, the target blinks in auto-attack instead of the player. I've also moved several other things from their original windows.

I am using the now famous t.king spell icon artwork in the spellbook, buff window and casting window. I'm posting two images to show the spellbook with and without scribed spells. To go along with the "spellskin" I've changed the default window backgrounds to leather and wood textures.

If response is positive and people want this mod I will post my shaman_ui.zip when it's completely finished.

:nana: :nana:

Kaenil Darkwolf 08-23-2002 01:10 PM

Very nice. What screensize is that? I use 1024 x 768, would this work in that size? :)


xlorepdarkhelm 08-23-2002 06:27 PM

Nice spellbook. Reminds me of something hehe... then again, when I did mine, I also surfed around a bit to find a good clear shot of a tanned hide to use, and then opted for a picture of the one I ordered a while ago instead :D

Yours definitely looks more impressive tho, has much more of that shaman-look and feel to it.

Peon25 08-23-2002 06:54 PM

That looks very nice!
I'd like to use your mod.. maybe remove the skin, seeing as how I'm not a Shaman (or any other natured class), but I still like the way you did alot of things.

med1862 08-23-2002 07:04 PM


Draw1more 08-24-2002 01:49 AM

I love this layout for my shaman, but a pet health bar would also be nice if you coul add that in somewhere :D

Shaman of Fennin Ro

Armengar 08-24-2002 10:22 AM

Oguler, yes, you are the king when it comes to the animal skin spellbook :nana: . I had actually started my spellbook quite some time ago but stopped when yours came out and I was using it for awhile. I came across mine again recently while sorting through some floppies (you know, those ancient data storage things) that I carry back and forth to work with me. It was almost finished so I went ahead and polished it up.

Kaenil, my screen size is 1152x864 so it would take a bit of tweaking to make it fit at 1024x768. The spellbook however shouldn't be a problem since it isn't part of the border windows, it would just be big. I'll post the spellbook in a separate zip for anyone who wants just that part.

Draw1more, the pet health bar is under the player health bar similar to the pet health bars for the group members.

I'll probably post the files sometime this weekend after I have a chance to write up a readme file and try to incorporate the animation and texture references into the appropriate files to make them independent of the dafault UI files.

doobyshnauka 08-24-2002 03:29 PM

i so want this. if you can send me work, i might be able to help you out some if you wish.. this is the first ui i've seen that i might actually use regularly..

Yggdrazil 08-25-2002 08:12 PM

I want it too.
But what does the inventory look plz?

Armengar 09-11-2002 09:11 AM

Still planning to post UI
I posted this screenshot quite some time ago and had some positive response. With the server here being up and down quite a bit I never got around to posting the actual files.

I have since noticed that my layout is VERY similar to another UI that was posted much earlier. There are some subtile differences between the two that make each more appropriate to different classes. I just wanted to throw this information out there in case my UI doesn't meet your needs, this one might.

I plan to upload my spellbook tonight and the rest of the UI tomorrow after I have a chance to fix a long ignored annoyance with it.

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