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lordkylphor 05-04-2004 02:19 AM

Target of Target Guage- plz clarify
I've been playing around with a personal mod and I thought it would be cool to mod the target windo with a "target of target" guage. It doesn't show up in game, but it will in SIDL.

After looking through the threads, I'm getting the impression that you can only get this bar to show up if and only if you have the LXP ability. Bare with me..lol...haven't gotten that far yet and don't have ANY LXPs.

Is my thinkin right on this?


EQKobara 05-04-2004 02:40 AM

The Health of Target of Target (if that is what you are referring to) is available to anyone with or without Leadership points, but you only get it to show and work if you are in a group or raid whose leader has that ability.

So the answer is no, it is not restricted to only those with LXP, but IS restricted to only those in the group or raid of someone who has purchased that ability with LXP points.

If this was not what you are asking, my apologies, and ignore my comment here :)

lordkylphor 05-04-2004 02:55 AM

Ahhh...I see. Thx much for clarifying that. So basically, my modded window could in fact be correct..just gotta test it with someone who has the ability.

Good enough fer me. :)

Many thanks again for the info :)

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