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Frok Foulblood 08-24-2002 01:29 PM

ICQ/AIM - any possibility?
I'll readily admit I didn't look at the code required for the things a bit, but since there's already experienced people here with it I figured I'd just ask. This would own all, IMO, ICQ/AIM integration.. I used to love DXWindows and Windows EQ because I could play eq and not have to be N/A all the time while in it.

Anyone know if it is/ever will be possible?


guice 08-25-2002 01:45 AM

This would own all, IMO, ICQ/AIM integration .... Anyone know if it is/ever will be possible?

Afraid not. Sorry mate.

Anathae 08-25-2002 06:32 PM

Possible, yes, but only from sony's and AOL's end. As in the two of them would have to agree on adding icq/aim functions to everquest...

would be an interesting marketing ploy.

Windaen_Rathe 09-21-2002 12:04 PM

I think it may be possible with another program running in the background... though I'm sure it would be against the EULA and AOL wouldn't like it either...

I'll post my idea after I think it through a little more if anyone really wants to work on it.


Windaen_Rathe 09-21-2002 12:34 PM

well, put that idea on hold for a bit... I was planning on using the /note command, but it seems to be broken at the moment... maybe someone can help me out?

I typed /note and got ERROR:could not add note. make sure notes.txt is not read only... or something close to that.

So I looked and notes.txt didn't exist. I created the file (not read-only) tried again and got the same error.

When I try /note <message> I get no error message, but it doesn't write to the file either, so something is messed up.

Is this broken for others too or is it just me?


Cronos 09-21-2002 12:40 PM

Notes fix
There is a fix for the notes problem that was posted here


Windaen_Rathe 09-21-2002 03:49 PM

awesome, thanks :)

Windaen_Rathe 09-21-2002 04:14 PM

Now that I got that working... here's what I was thinking...

1. you would have to build a simple aim client. "simple" meaning it doesn't need alot of the features like file transfer and stuff. I know this can be done, but I'm not sure as to the degree of difficulty ( see http://www.trillian.com and http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ for examples of alternate clients)

2. the client would monitor the notes.txt file for user input. EQ commands could be adapted. some command examples to type at the EQ prompt would be:
/notes /who all buddies /notes /tell somedude00 what's up?

My old guild had something similar to this in which the officers ran a program that watched their log file, and every time the /guildmotd was displayed it sent the message to our website so offline people knew what was going on.

3. recieving messages... this is the hard part. I was thinking the best way for this would to be adding an extra link to the help page. As far as I know, this is the only way to change UI content without reloading the skin (yuck) since the html files are read in everytime you click the link and not stored in memory like the rest of the UI files. When the client recieves new messages it appends them to a (possibly different per contact) html file. You would still be recieving messages in real time, but you would need to refresh the page manually to read your new messages.

Anyway... just my thoughts... I believe it would work, but I'm not gonna spend my time writing it :) I'd be interested to know if someone else tries to implement it.



Windaen_Rathe 09-21-2002 08:10 PM

I did a little digging and this might be closer to happening than I thought. Sourceforge is a wonderful thing :)


This is an open source java api that implements AOL's TOC protocol, so I guess step 1 is already out of the way :)

Oh, and after further reading I discovered that the TOC protocol is offered by AOL to developers. It's their OSCAR protocol that they don't want anyone else using and trillian has been trying to reverse engineer. TOC only supports the most basic features and not file transfers, buddy icons, the new AIM Expressions, blah blah blah..... but TOC is exactly what we need for this. Ok, I think this is the last post I'm going to make on the topic unless someone else shows some interest in it, because I'm probably either annoying or confusing the hell out of most of you that are reading this.


Geckofiend 09-24-2002 12:45 PM

I actualy started working on a project to provide AIM access to EQ. My implementation would watch a text file for outgoing messages (i.e. "/note SENDIM fred Heya fred how ya been?" ). Incoming messages, and events were read outloud via text to speech.

Yelara 09-25-2002 12:46 AM

Just a thought - I'm not a programmer by any means - but if you can control WinAmp from within EQ why not something like AIM?

Geckofiend 09-26-2002 12:31 PM

Because controling AIM would mean having windows pop up and take focus away from EQ. If the EQ window loses focus you'll get dumped out of the game.

Dothar 09-26-2002 12:36 PM

*twitch* AOL *shreek*

I can't stand AOL or AIM. If this was to happen then know AoL they would make it so you have to have a subscribtion cause they money grubbers too.

bzfreek 10-15-2002 03:02 PM

What about timers? you could set the timer to update the page ever 5 seconds.... maby not RT but its close

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