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Durden 06-23-2004 10:31 PM

Can anyone help with this?
1 Attachment(s)
Can anyone mod this mod for me? I am completely ignorant of code despite my efforts. I tried but failed miserably to mod it myself thats why i throw myself on the mercy of the mod gods. The UI pictured is Darkded's Delta 4.0 Remix. Thanks for any help at all.

Weskat 06-24-2004 01:52 AM

Just an FYI, if you have notes written on the picture, they are quite unreadable for me. It appears that the pic was resized to something smaller and in the process it became very mangled.

Durden 06-24-2004 12:57 PM

second try
Can someone tell me how to add a pic without getting it all mangled? The actual pic i have is 1280x1024 and it says i cant load it cuz it needs to be 1024x768. Any ideas? And the UI doesnt fit for 1024x768 which is why i havent just loaded that screen resolution and just re-taken the screen shot.

Durden 06-24-2004 10:52 PM

Well I guess no one knows how to change the sizes. Oh well I will try again when I get home but I don't think I will have much luck. All I need to know is how to save screenshots in a format that wouldn't distort the image and be a size that EQUI will let me upload (1024x768?). Thanks in advance for ANY help at all.

Durden 06-25-2004 07:34 AM

here goes
1 Attachment(s)
Ok I think I figured this out hopefully. Here is a screenie of what i would like help on.

Durden 06-26-2004 04:01 PM

Anyone able to help me on this? Or is anyone even looking at it to give me some pointers?

Danyela 06-27-2004 01:11 AM

Re: ?
Originally posted by Durden
Anyone able to help me on this? Or is anyone even looking at it to give me some pointers?

I was the 19th person to view your picture.

Most of the things you want to have changed are not that hard to do, but the stuff you are displaying is already someone's custom work and I doubt anyone here is going to butcher it up only to repost it in a public forum.

Generally speaking, if you want to continue yourself, anything you want to get rid of can often be deleted or commented out of the appropriate file. Items you want to move (with the exception of certain buttons) can be cut and pasted from one file to another (though you will have to be wary of the location or else it might display outside the viewable area of the window).

Changing a vertical window to a horizontal one is a great exercise in learning how to do the UI changes. You might want to start there (your wish for the horizontal spell bar). All the elements are exactly the same, you just have to change their locations and change the size of the window that holds them.

Good luck!

divorax 06-27-2004 08:44 AM

the spell gem bar horizontal has alredy a mod look up folder for it

Durden 06-28-2004 06:58 AM

Well I understand that stuff may appear to be easy to someone that has a base knowledge of modding UIs, but I don't. I have no idea how to add a pet percent HP to the pet window. I have no idea how to move the hp number to a different location in the same window. I have absolutely no clue how to make a horizontal spellbar. I hope some see where I am going with this. I'im not trying to come off rude or anything, I would just like some guildance. Everytime I mess with anything in the UI, it reverts to default. I am frustrated that's why I am asking for help. What you posted Danyela may have seemed like wisdom, but it didn't help Sir Noob (me). Divorax, where was said spellbar? I have done a search for it and nothing I have come across has the same background or pieces as the rest of the mod. Thanks in advance for any help. I have also gone through the tutorials and guides on how to do anything to the UI, but nothing in there has been able to help me. I just can't wrap my head around all that code I guess.

myanta 06-28-2004 11:56 AM

Here, take a look at this UI. You might find it a bit closer to what you are looking for.

Durden 06-29-2004 07:03 PM

Myanta, well that UI is something like I am looking for in regards to a horizontal spell window. But I am looking for something that would fit my UI and fit between my XP and AAXP guages. Close anyways. Anyone been able to look this over and maybe give me some pointers? I have gotten the weight/max weight where I want them, also the Class and level and also the HPS/max HPS where I want them. What I am having a helluva time with tho is getting a mana guage to show where the old hps/max hps used to be. Anyone with any pointers on adding a mana guage? I have read the tutorials and they dont work for me. Blame my ignorance but I just can't seem to get it in there. I havent even attempted to modify the spell gem window yet as that looks so daunting. I also havent attempted the pet hp percent tag yet either. I hope to fix that when I get home from work tonight. Thanks for yall's support and I hope someone can help me with this.

Durden 06-29-2004 11:19 PM

new pic
1 Attachment(s)
Ok this is what I have done so far. What I really need some help on is modifying the spell window and the mana bar. I need to know how to take all the writing off the spell window and turn it horizontally. I just want the boxes with the icons of the spells and grouped together just like they are vertically, except horizonatlly. I dont need the numbers on them or anything. Now the mana bar hehe. OK I got it to the location I want but I cant get the thing to be any wider than it is. Also when I moved it the first time it was way too long for the little box that it is in. I made it shorter but it doesnt line up with the percentage. I would cast some spells and percent would eventually drop to 50 but the mana bar would be almost full still. So two things on mana window. Wider and made to perspective. Thanks in advance guys and gals.

Durden 07-01-2004 02:04 AM

Well still havent been able to figure out the mana bar thing or the horizontal cast spell window. I need some help on this one guys.

Durden 07-04-2004 11:00 PM

Still nothing
Anyone help?

Vitaee 07-05-2004 01:51 AM

Take a look at the UI I'm working on... particulary the last screenshot. Is the Spell Cast window here along the lines of what you're going for?? If so, let me know, and I'll post the code for that window. It should give you something to look at for what you're attempting.


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