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Qinadwen 07-16-2004 05:25 AM

Launchpad comes to Test
Found this at EQlive


07/15/2004 6:47 pm

Hey folks,

Our platform group has put together a new version of Launchpad, just for EverQuest. The new Launchpad system, which is used for all other SOE games, is now being applied to the Test server for you folks to try out. Please log into test, using the Testeverquest.exe icon from your EQ directory and download the Launchpad front end. Expect the login process to be a little slower the first couple of uses as it sets up its caches, but after it is all set, you should be logging in faster than ever.

Make sure you submit your feedback using the bug command in-game or by using the feedback link, here on the Dev Corner.

Thanks All!

Your Community Halflings

Zantaklawz 07-16-2004 12:59 PM

What exactly is this Launchpad system? I currently do not have an active EQ account so I can't test it to see what it is... Anyone have any insight? Thanks in advance...

Kudane 07-16-2004 01:06 PM

SW:Galaxies, Planetside and EQ2 all use Launchpad, its a friendlier version of the login system.

the changes to the look of the login was step 1 for switching to the launchpad.

and Good Job Qin! you linked it, quoted, and threw in a graphic! nicely done!

Kudane 07-16-2004 01:18 PM

Tested this today (7/16) and I dont see any differences. soooo not sure if its totally transparent (shouldnt be) or if maybe it got pulled.. or even it was not put in yet.

I emailed Brenlo.

Neori 07-16-2004 02:21 PM

Does this mean they'll come up with another kind of blah artwork to use on the patcher/loader screen? Hopefully it can be modified, the way the current patcher window is. I got SO tired of staring at the GoD guy...

Xyzruhl 07-17-2004 12:55 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Even though it says it is patched to test I could not get it to work that way.
However I have Launchpad installed for other games and managed to get it working. If you change your shortcut to the Launchpad to "C:\Program Files\Sony\Station\Launchpad\Launchpad.exe" /game:everquest it will work.
Word of warning before you do this it goes into a very long verifying process where it checks CRCs and such for all your EQ files, took several hours for it to finish running. Once it was finished patching several of the actual game files were much larger for some reason (I run a few EQ directories Test server , live , etc.. and was able to check old vs. new).
Grabbed a few screenshots of it they are attached.

Dolby 07-17-2004 01:03 PM

Thanks for the pictures Xyzruhl! :)

Qinadwen 07-17-2004 05:52 PM

Thanks for the kind words Kudane, I found one error in this thread though (I think) - it should have been posted in Test Server forum, no?

Originally Posted by Xyzruhl
Word of warning before you do this it goes into a very long verifying process where it checks CRCs and such for all your EQ files, took several hours for it to finish running. Once it was finished patching several of the actual game files were much larger for some reason (I run a few EQ directories Test server , live , etc.. and was able to check old vs. new).
Grabbed a few screenshots of it they are attached.
As they stated in SoE's message (in my first post), it will take some time to run it the first couple of times ...
Originally Posted by Qinadwen
Expect the login process to be a little slower the first couple of uses as it sets up its caches, but after it is all set, you should be logging in faster than ever.
But as Dolby said - GREAT pics, I looked around for some myself, but couldnt actually find any :(

Drakah 07-17-2004 05:57 PM

Just to let you know...

This new LaunchPad is supposed to find the testeverquest.exe file, but it doesn't. Upon installing, it will ask where the eqgame.exe file is, which is the live file.

I have tested it and it runs fine, even though you are tossed on the Live server.

Personally, I wouldn't tinker with this much until something is stable, unless you do not mind downloading files constantly from patching :)

Now, unless they meant "Lauchpad is now available for EverQuest, however it is being tested, so use at your own risk." Then I would understand.

Kudane 07-17-2004 07:55 PM

I am still playing with it. And the reason this is in "chit-chat" is because its EQ News, (only suppose to be on test at the moment though)..

I have not tried changing /game:everquest to /game:testeverquest to see if it would start the test server.. I am still experiementing with it.

It does seem to work fine for logging into the live servers, but as others have said, use at your own risk till we hear something from SOE.


Kudane 07-17-2004 08:25 PM

Ok, sooo trying to point this at another folder seems impossible.

I tried deleting all the EQ files it download to the launcher, but SOMEWHERE it keeps a file to what folder EQ is in after you direct it there the first time.

If anyone knows what file this is, or how to get it to allow me to select where EQGAME.EXE is again, please post.. I have tried all the trick I know and now all i get is "0 megs availbe, 898 needed" sooo its looking no where it seems.


Drakah 07-17-2004 08:30 PM

its in your registery bud where it lists apps names.

look for eqgame.exe on the left hand side, i cant remember where though. delete that and rerun your install, you will get the prompt again of where to look for eqgame.exe :)

little vague, but in the right direction for ya

A_Nolan 07-18-2004 12:28 AM

Character select?
Will it allow direct character select once its gone live like in star wars I saw a now selection but that could have been for the server not individual characters I hope they do would save load time between sections

Kudane 07-18-2004 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by Drakah
its in your registery bud where it lists apps names.

look for eqgame.exe on the left hand side, i cant remember where though. delete that and rerun your install, you will get the prompt again of where to look for eqgame.exe :)

little vague, but in the right direction for ya

Did one better searched my registry for the test directory name and redirected to my live server directory..

thanks Drak, that worked...


Yelara 07-18-2004 10:45 AM

Ok color me dumb, but where do I get this "new" Launchpad?

I downloded and installed the one I found on SOny's site but nothing I do makes it see ANY everquest

I've tried the /game everquest switch. I've installed and removed it 4 times now

Is there a dedicated Launchpad for EQ? IF so anyone have a link?

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