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Zantaklawz 09-26-2004 11:52 AM

Anyone know of a good...
XML editor? I know Notepad. But I am starting to get pissed with loading a custom UI in EQ to see how it looks over and over.

But not only that, EQ completely crashes every now and then and I get the following error:

And when I check my UIErrors.txt file as it says to do, theres nothing wrong with it...

Not to mention it doesn't help having to wait 5 or 10 minutes if the server decides to boot you off for some unknown reason and you try to log back on only to find 'You have a character still active' in the game... Grrrr!

So does anyone have a good XML editor that I can see what the UI mod looks like before throwing it into my custom folder to see it in game?


axeion 09-26-2004 08:41 PM

I use sindlwindl to look at code an position peices.Actual codeing or cut an paste work ,editing etc i do in notepad ++ .Still have the odd grafic problem that only eq shows an sindlwindl dont . so in those cases i take screen shots an load them into photoshop 6 . Use navagation tool to get my x an y numbers of where its off an an fix what i can fix.

Some things are hard coded into server so it dont matter what your x an y is for say a buff icon cause if its horizontal it will lay them out in a set order.This is trial an error methid but it works . After while you sorta get how the code should be an what works for you an dont.

Another problem can be to long of file name in utilites an eq never loading your xml file .Sucks work hours only to see default loaded , an read xml error later.Hope this Helps.

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