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Lordbob 07-28-2002 11:52 AM

Is It Possible (player Window)
Is it possible to make a player window that covers the bottom of the screen. With 1 buble on the right for Hp and onw on the left for mana with stamin line under the hp buble and casting time/ breathing underwater lines under the mana buble, and exp/aaxp in the center. But then with the 10 hot buttons above the exp/aaxp spot, with the target info right above that.

Think Diablo for the bibbles for mana and hp.
____ ____
/ HP% \ / M% \
| Hp | |Mana |
\_____/ |Target| \____/
----|hk1| |hk2| |hk3| |hk4| |hk5| |hk6| |hk7| |hk8| |hk9| |hk10|----
Stamina} |----exp----| |---AAxp----| {CasttimeBreath

If that worked and my ascii art servived yippie! If not ill repost with little dots.

Lordbob 07-28-2002 11:55 AM

The bar with dots
____.............................................. ......................................____
/.HP%.\............................................ ...................................../ M% \
|...Hp...|........................................ ........................................|Mana.|
\_____/...........................|Target|............... ..........................\____/
....|hk1| |hk2| |hk3| |hk4| |hk5| |hk6| |hk7| |hk8| |hk9| |hk10|....

Disregard dots, thats what I was thinking, its kinda like diablo.

psychogears 07-28-2002 12:07 PM

Most of that is, but not the way you want it. As it is now, gauges only drain from right to left. You can make a picture of a vial or bibble, but the innards will disappear from right to left only.

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