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firescue17 06-02-2006 09:26 PM

Tradeskill Window UI
Just posted a new Tradeskill Window UI.

Lights Tradeskill Mod

firescue17 06-04-2006 04:37 PM

Updated .ZIP
I fixed the .zip file so it doesn't extract duplicate files.

knightowl77 06-05-2006 07:19 AM

Trival numbers not showing
Like what i see :) but 1 issue i am having is i can't see the skill trivals on the one i got. Altho I see them on the picture you are showing donno if some numbers got messed up or something. Like the addition of the minimize button

firescue17 06-05-2006 09:11 PM

List Column Width Fix
1. Open the file with a text editor and change the 6th line from the bottom from <Style_Sizable>true</Style_Sizable>to false.
2. Save file.
3. Reload your UI and drag the right edge of the tradeskill window out until the trivial column is visible.
4. Drag the trivial column to the left so it will fit inside my new list width.
5. Change the <Style_Sizable> tag back to false.
6. Reload the UI again.

This will put the column divider back in the visible part of the window so you can adjust as necessary.

I tried many different variables in the column width code yet still could not code the columns to size properly on a brand new install. This is a one time ghetto-fix. Once you reset the trivial column width, it won't reset or move on you.

If anybody knows the proper way to set the column width, I'd appreciate it.

firescue17 09-05-2007 01:52 AM

See thread Title.

lanianel 09-08-2007 05:33 AM

Not sure if this works every time but on my new install i couldnt see the whole window but didnt look to see if the trivial column was visible or not.
My solution.
Log out of EQ
open UI_charname_servername.ini
find [TradeskillWnd]
edit or insert Width1280x960=406 (width of window in xml file)
(1280x960 is the resolution i use .. use whichever you normally run)
reload EQ and a very nice tradeskill window thank you.

Only suggestion i have which i will do on my own machine is to move the experiment and close buttons beneath the recipe item icons. Nothing worse when doing a long run of combines than accidentally hitting either button when you were aiming for combine or auto inv buttons. :)

Otherwise nice job.
PS Light you know who i am hehe :)

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