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skylee131 09-20-2006 10:30 AM

Zeremus Breathe Request
Can someone please update the Zeremus Breathe UI for TSS.


khaymann069 09-20-2006 07:18 PM

i 2nd this request. Ive been able to limp along making this ui work, but with TSS it seems to have totally bit the dust. I cant get anything to make it work even a little. I especially like the group windows and hotkey/inventory window. If anyone could help/fix this UI it would be much appreciated.

link to original : http://www.eqinterface.com/download...nfo.php?id=1724


The Tribunal

wirt oakhand 09-21-2006 12:51 AM

Same is my reg UI and i have no clue what to do to gimp it to work this time

Kelldor 10-29-2006 11:36 AM

I've been using Zeremus for years, I like it alot. I don't care if I got .XML errors, I still use Zeremus!

Sir Kelldor Taroch
73 Paladin of Tunare
Misfits of Prexus

Inokis 10-29-2006 01:31 PM

Well the major problems just by looking at the screenshots:

Zeremus used the group window to put the player stuff in. If you want the combat state icon to show up it has to be in the player window. If you don't care about the combat state, then the timers can be put in the group window.

So basically your two options are:
Keep the format in group and not use the combat timer icon.
Push everything to player and just make a super small group window to show the buttons for invite disband etc.

Kelldor 10-30-2006 11:32 PM

INC. >>An Updated Zeremus<<, Please assist!
I just made an update for Zeremus and submitted it. To get past the problem with the combat state Icon, I included the lines for that in Feebwins HoTT window for Zeremus, and included that in it. I included as much of the original Zeremus: Breathe files that still work that I could, and submitted it under "compilations". It functions as a stand alone UI as well, not just an update to the existing one. My reasoning was so we could avoid having to update the updated update to the old UI, lol. It just seemed easier this way. More details in the readme. I hope it works out ok. :cool:

Kelldor's "Zeremus: Breathe" for TSS

Sir Kelldor Taroch
73 Lord of Tunare
Misfits of Prexus

Hierl 11-27-2006 03:49 AM

Your my hero :) Just as a note I can't seem to change the chatfontsize in any other window other than the main one, or even click to chat into another one, but thats minor compared to having this ui back agian!

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