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crystaluck 10-12-2008 06:07 PM

Group window update request

is the group window that I use. Does anyone know how to modify this for SoD expansion?
- I don't use the voice stuff (though others might and someone knows how to include that).

crystaluck 02-15-2009 01:34 PM

Still looking for aid if anyone has time. I've experimented a bit but it's turned out pretty disasterous.

The link above or either of these 2 links is what I'm trying to adapt so it works with all patches.



~ If someone doesn't have time/inclination to aid, does anyone know of an existing UI package that uses a group window like this? I've been searching through all of the compilations and featured ones but haven't yet found one that's close to SoD/2-11-09 compliant either. Any tips or links much appreciated.

akenta 02-15-2009 07:20 PM

Well, I'll go ahead and plug mine...


But, I will look at yours and see if I can modify.

akenta 02-15-2009 08:37 PM

Maybe fixed?
2 Attachment(s)
Here's what I got so far: added sta and mana to each group member (moved pet bar down). added icons to the right side of the name.

I was only able to test on me and cleric merc. No other group members and no one with voice or pets.

Let me know if I was close.

crystaluck 02-17-2009 01:45 PM

Thanks for trying!

Think I realized one problem. Now that there are the stamina and mana bars, the group window I was using is way too small. As a cleric, I live/breath by being able to see/click the health bars easily and looks like what I really want is a group window that has a very very large health bar. (I do use F keys to target as often as I mouse.)

I liked yours but the F2-F6 health bars were just a bit too tiny to see at a glance. Looks like it would work really well for some, just not for the way I play. I did look at the mock up you did from the one I linked, but in addition to the tiny health bars it still had that one issue where you can't click on the health bar and get the person's name on target - from a few patches or when SoD came out, I forget when that bug was created.

Think I'm off to the drawing board to look through more interfaces, but thank you again for taking the time to help!

akenta 02-17-2009 09:38 PM

I'll keep on trying since I wasn't that far off.

I thought about making the group window bigger, but my small bars fit so I didn't. I played around with it a little bit tonight and made the health bar larger, but for some reason clicking on does nothing (all my other group windows will target the correct person). On the other hand, clicking on the stamina or mana bars will target the correct person - merc doesn't have a pet, but I'm guess that bar will work too).

Do you want all the bars made bigger or just the health bar. I notice that the square on the left keeps track of the hp% and changes color - might be why I didn't mind the smaller health bar.

I'm thinking if I can get the health bar clickable, then you'll have 3 (or maybe 4) bars to click on to target the person. Would that work, or do you want all the bars a little thicker?

I understand how once you have a window you like, it's hard to switch.

crystaluck 02-25-2009 01:47 AM

Health is really the key bar to me so having that big is important (and not having a super tiny pet bar; I can't recall if this was tiny though I think it was and should be a bit bigger).

I can deal with the mana bar being any size small or whatever fits best and I always have endurance turned off anyway but I wouldn't change anything to remove endurance (never know who else might want this). It used to be an incredibly popular group window for healers.

akenta 02-25-2009 09:49 PM

Another Try
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I've only changed the bars on the first group member. If you like the screenshot, I'll update all the other group members. I think this will make a very long window, but it's up to you.

Again, I couldn't get my merc to take on a pet, but the green bar would be on the bottom, the same size as the other bars.

Clicking on any of the bars with target that player.

If you want to go with this, I'll probably put the role and voice icons under the box with the hp percent (since there will be some space there between the players).

crystaluck 02-26-2009 07:56 AM

Let me ask this. I didn't want to make more work/make anything take more time, though the endurance and mana bars could stay the normal small size. That should save half the space?

Otherwise the health bar size looks perfect!

sunaeri 02-26-2009 09:02 AM

Wiznut's idea: You can put the mana bar on top of the endurance bar to save space too. Anyone who has a mana bar really doesn't care about endurance. Anyone who only has endurance will not display a mana bar.

akenta 02-26-2009 01:16 PM

I'll shrink the sta and mana bars down to half the size. I think I want to keep them in the order they're in since it will be more work to change all the Y locations. (I do it that order since everyone has hp and sta, some people have mana, and even less have pets - the empty spaces was driving me crazy on my melee classes). I'll try and have something done this weekend. Thanks for the feedback.

crystaluck 02-26-2009 06:58 PM

Aye good idea.

The thing I didn't like about Wiz's is, hybrids then get screwed as they are the classes that would potentially need to keep track of both mana and endurance. I know when I'm in a knight group, depending what the group is doing, I want to know whether in a long fight, someone's running out of endurance and others might get aggro easier because of it, as well as watching mana usage - so I know when fellow pallies can't help with group healing AE's etc. So I've found uses for both, though just not for myself - but again so others could maybe use this mod as well.

Edit. Yeah keeping the order makes sense to me. I saw one window that had the pet window below the owner's health, so the windows went

owner health
owner's mana
owner's stamina

Was way too easy to mistarget when you're trying to get the pet on target since he's surrounded by owner bars.

Blarz 02-27-2009 06:48 PM

here try this one out
1 Attachment(s)
Try this one out, let me know what you think. I currently do not have a screenshot as I am not as active with my updating or posting UI's :-(.

It shows hp/mana/end of each group member. Also includes pet.

PLEASE do not change the written text in the file and claim it as your own, use it to your own pleasure, but credit the correct people.

akenta 02-27-2009 07:47 PM

Blarz's screenshot
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Here's a screenshot of what Blarz added. I think it's kinda cool looking, but since I won't be the one using it, I guess my opinion doesn't really matter :p

Edit: added other screen shots showing the other colors

Blarz 02-27-2009 08:20 PM

group window
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FYI the health bar changes color when your hp's go down.

Yeppers if I wasn't so lazy I would have done those pics and posts myself...lol, Thank you for showing how it works :-).

Hey see if you like the player window. Let me know what you think. It's an updated version of a long ago post.

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