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ltcommander 06-07-2009 07:49 AM

UI windows locations not saving after logout
i have to remove all windows and create the extra chat windows every time i login. why won't it save thier locations? vista computer. full open admin. and not read only files

any help. i looked all over not and found a few other have same issues but no answers ...

Fnyyen 06-08-2009 01:26 PM

vista can kinda be tricky sometimes even if u give full admin access it wont give " full access" like its suppose to (i had to turn off the admin control program off on my PC completely, do to that problem)

also make sure u /camp and not /camp desktop /quit or /exit or u will lose the settings every time regardless of what system u are running.

Zatris 06-08-2009 03:25 PM

kinda recently switched to vista myself, but did not until i researched some issues. aside from vista re-applying read only status whenever it wants to, I had to make sure EQ path was /Program Files (x86)/... not normal /Program files/... like XP. I am meticulous about keeping Vista up to date too, not sure if this makes a difference or not but i haven't had any major issues playing EQ besides my crap xml skillz. :D

Halelen 06-08-2009 05:37 PM

also its best if whenever you change anything on your ui zone to force it to save to the ini...this fixed all my issues

SmileyFAAce_ 06-09-2009 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by Halelen
also its best if whenever you change anything on your ui zone to force it to save to the ini...this fixed all my issues

: ) no camping Guild Hall allowed :D

Your playername_servername_ini & UI_Playername_Servername.ini saves your settings . back up a copy of each if you ever decide to change your hard drive or redo windows.

SmileyFAAce_ :D

DukeMartin 06-21-2009 12:43 PM

This bug has something to do with your UI_Character.ini file. Not sure which lines cause the issue, but I'd recommend renaming the file UI_Character.Backup, and then starting the game again, readjust your UI, /camp desktop, and then load back into the game and you'll find your windows have saved this time... then go make a backup of that file so you don't have to deal with it again.

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