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-   -   Turn player name green if group leader (group window) (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20870)

a_ceara01 01-14-2011 10:37 AM

Turn player name green if group leader (group window)
Hi all,

I'm using Sparxx UI's group window, which also contains the player window. If I am group leader, my name shows up in green; however, if anyone else is group leader, I can't tell who it is, as all of the group member names (save for myself) remain white all the time.

Could someone please share with me what I would need to add to each group member name in order to designate their name green if they are leader?

I'm looking at the group window file, and I'm not seeing any difference in the code between the player name and group member names, so I must be missing something.

Also along the same lines, mercenary names appear in white just like players. I'd like them to instead appear in yellow, as is the case with the default window. Can someone please point me in the right direction there as well?


valaury3169 01-14-2011 11:27 AM

The changing of the color is not customizable, so I don't think you are missing some vital piece of xml. I believe the SOE code that changes the color refers to the gauge by its ScreenID and not the EQType. Try changing the ScreenID on the gauges from HP_PartyX_G (X being the party member position) to GaugeX (again, X is the member position) and see if that makes any difference.

If you get errors and it reloads default, then trying this will be more complicated.

a_ceara01 01-24-2011 12:21 PM

Hey, thanks so much for the suggestion. I just got the time to mess with it today.

I changed




...and so forth, for players 1-5.

It made no difference in seeing the group leader's name in green. :(

On the bright side, the UI still loads just fine.

Any other suggestions for seeing the party leader's name in green and the mercenary's names in yellow?

I can paste the code in here if necessary. Fair warning, though, the code is the messiest of any UI I've seen. Love the darned thing but it's a real mess, lol.

a_ceara01 01-24-2011 12:25 PM

Here is the code for the group window I am using, in case it will help. As I mentioned prior, it's a hot mess. If I had the time and desire, I'd go through all of these UI files and clean it up, but I just haven't been that motivated since it works fine. It's nearly impossible to follow the naming convention of the pieces, but it's doable.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<XML ID="EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns="EverQuestData" xmlns:dt="EverQuestDataTypes" />

<Label item="PW_PlayerName">

<Label item="PW_HP_Number">
<Label item="PW_Mana_Number">

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfGeneric Label

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGe neric Label

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Max Hit Points">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Current Hit Points">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Max Endurance">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Current Endurance">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Max Mana">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Current Mana">

item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC

opyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCop yOfCopyOfCopyOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Pet Hit Point Percent">
<Gauge item="CopyOfCopyOfPIW_PetTargetHPGauge">
<Text>Player Pet Target</Text>
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Pet Name">
<Text>Player Pet Name</Text>
<Gauge item="CopyOfCasting">
<Label item="CopyOfPlayer Current Casting Spell">
<Text>Spell Name Here</Text>

item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC

opyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCop yOfCopyOf%">

item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC

opyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCop yOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Endurance Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Mana Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)">
<Gauge item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Endurance">
<Gauge item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Mana">
<Gauge item="CopyOfPIW_PetTargetHPGauge">
<Text>No Target</Text>
<Gauge item="CopyOfPIW_PetHPGauge">
<Text>Player Pet</Text>
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Hit Point Percent">

item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC

<Gauge item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Hit Points">
<Text>Your Name Here</Text>
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer First Name">
<Text>Player 1st Name</Text>
<StaticAnimation item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfInv_Seperator1 ">

item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Alternate Experience Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Experience Percent">
<Gauge item="CopyOfCopyOfIW_ExpGauge">
<Gauge item="CopyOfCopyOfIW_AltAdvGauge">
<Gauge item="CopyOfPlayer Alternate Experience">
<Text />
<Gauge item="CopyOfPlayer Experience">
<Text />

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfXP">

<Label item="PW_PlayerClass">

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfAAXP">

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)">

<Label item="CopyOfTribute Time Left">

<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)">

<Label item="CopyOfGuild Tribute Timer">

<Label item="Weight_Label">

<Label item="Weight_Number">

<Label item="Weight_MaxNumber">

<Label item="Weight_Slash">


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfC


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf%


item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf%">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 5 Pet Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 4 Pet Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 3 Pet Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 2 Pet Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 1 Pet Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 5 Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 4 Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 3 Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 2 Hit Point Percent">
<Label item="CopyOfParty Member 1 Hit Point Percent">
<StaticAnimation item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfInv_Seperator1">
<StaticAnimation item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfInv_Seperator1">
<StaticAnimation item="CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfInv_Seperator1">
<StaticAnimation item="CopyOfCopyOfInv_Seperator1">
<StaticAnimation item="CopyOfInv_Seperator1">
<Gauge item="CopyOfParty Member 5 Hit Points">
<Text>Party Member 5</Text>
<Gauge item="CopyOfParty Member 4 Hit Points">
<Text>Party Member 4</Text>
<Gauge item="CopyOfParty Member 3 Hit Points">
<Text>Party Member 3</Text>
<Gauge item="CopyOfParty Member 2 Hit Points">
<Text>Party Member 2</Text>
<Gauge item="CopyOfParty Member 1 Hit Points">
<Text>Party Member 1</Text>
<Button item="GW_InviteButton">
<Button item="GW_DisbandButton">
<Button item="GW_FollowButton">
<Button item="GW_DeclineButton">
<Gauge item="GW_Gauge1">
<Gauge item="GW_PetGauge1">
<Text>Pet Name</Text>
<Gauge item="GW_ManaGauge1">
<Gauge item="GW_STAGauge1">
<Gauge item="GW_Gauge2">
<Gauge item="GW_PetGauge2">
<Text>Pet Name</Text>
<Gauge item="GW_ManaGauge2">
<Gauge item="GW_STAGauge2">
<Gauge item="GW_Gauge3">
<Gauge item="GW_PetGauge3">
<Text>Pet Name</Text>
<Gauge item="GW_ManaGauge3">
<Gauge item="GW_STAGauge3">
<Gauge item="GW_Gauge4">
<Gauge item="GW_PetGauge4">
<Text>Pet Name</Text>
<Gauge item="GW_ManaGauge4">
<Gauge item="GW_STAGauge4">
<Gauge item="GW_Gauge5">
<Gauge item="GW_PetGauge5">
<Text>Pet Name</Text>
<Gauge item="GW_ManaGauge5">
<Gauge item="GW_STAGauge5">
<Label item="GW_HPLabel1">
<Label item="GW_HPPercLabel1">
<Label item="GW_HPLabel2">
<Label item="GW_HPPercLabel2">
<Label item="GW_HPLabel3">
<Label item="GW_HPPercLabel3">
<Label item="GW_HPLabel4">
<Label item="GW_HPPercLabel4">
<Label item="GW_HPLabel5">
<Label item="GW_HPPercLabel5">
<Button item="GW_LFGButton">
<ButtonDrawTemplate />
<Button item="GW_Voice1">
<EQType>voicechat/GroupActivityButton 0</EQType>
<Button item="GW_Voice2">
<EQType>voicechat/GroupActivityButton 1</EQType>
<Button item="GW_Voice3">
<EQType>voicechat/GroupActivityButton 2</EQType>
<Button item="GW_Voice4">
<EQType>voicechat/GroupActivityButton 3</EQType>
<Button item="GW_Voice5">
<EQType>voicechat/GroupActivityButton 4</EQType>
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank1">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist1">
<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller1">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank2">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist2">
<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller2">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank3">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist3">
<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller3">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank4">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist4">
<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller4">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank5">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist5">
<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller5">
<Screen item="GroupWindow">
<ScreenID />
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 1 Hit Points</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 2 Hit Points</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 3 Hit Points</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 4 Hit Points</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 5 Hit Points</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 1 Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 2 Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 3 Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 4 Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 5 Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 1 Pet Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 2 Pet Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 3 Pet Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 4 Pet Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfParty Member 5 Pet Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOf%</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOf%</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOf%</Pi


<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy


<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy


<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy


<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy


<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy

<!-- <Pieces>CopyOfTribute Time Left</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>CopyOfGuild Tribute Timer</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfGeneric Label (XXXXXXXX)</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>Weight_Label</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>Weight_Number</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>Weight_Slash</Pieces> -->
<!-- <Pieces>Weight_MaxNumber</Pieces> -->
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Experience Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Alternate Experience Percent</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy


<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfInv_Seperator1 </Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy

OfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf %</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Hit Point Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Mana</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Mana Percent</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Endurance Percent</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy

OfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf CopyOf%</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy

OfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf CopyOfCopyOf%</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfPlayer Current Casting Spell</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfPlayer Pet Hit Point Percent</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCo pyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopy

OfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOf CopyOfCopyOfCopyOf%</Pieces>

<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Hit Points</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfCopyOfPlayer Endurance</Pieces>

valaury3169 01-24-2011 12:52 PM

Oh my, can you just attach the xml to a post? There is too much to copy/paste there.

I did look at the gauge definition, and it is identical to mine. This is from EQUI_GroupWindow.xml, right?

a_ceara01 01-24-2011 01:09 PM

Yup, it is from EQUI_GroupWindow.xml. It's a modified version, of course. It combines the player window into it, to some extent, and also has xp gauges, but all else should be relatively standard.

I'm stumped. The default UI shows group leader in green just fine, as do some other UIs. Same for yellow mercenaries.

Why this window does not is a mystery to me. :)

EDIT: Just thought of, but I think that I mentioned this in the original post. If I am group leader, this group window shows *my* name in green just fine. The problem is that if anyone else is group leader, I can't tell who it is without asking.

valaury3169 01-24-2011 04:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I finally saw where the window has 2 gauges of EQType 11 (group member 1 of 5) with different names. I am not sure what affect that will have, but I attempted to eliminate 1 set to see if that helps. Try this and see if it works.

By the way, you were right, that file is a mess! :)

a_ceara01 01-26-2011 11:06 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks so much for your effort! Unfortunately, that loaded the default UI. :(

Here is the actual file attached in case I missed something in the copy/paste job.

The file labeled "backup" is the original UI file, before I changed HP_PartyX_G to GaugeX.

valaury3169 01-26-2011 09:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I finally got this file to work. Turns out the color is associated by Screen ID, which has to be named "Gauge1", etc.

I started off trying to clean up the file, and all I managed to do is crash EQ constantly. I won't go into details, but let's just say you owe me a beer or 6 :)

It is still messy, with those crazy "CopyOf..." names, but it should work like you want now.

a_ceara01 01-27-2011 08:58 AM


You are just awesome. Thank you SO much!! YAY this is exactly what I've been trying to do for so long.

I owe you a case of beer, lol!


I wish that I could return the favor somehow, but know that I am SO VERY appreciative!!

PS - the entire UI is like that, with copyofcopyofcopyof, etc. Drives me nuts, but I dread the day when I decide to clean up each and every file, meanwhile breaking it and fixing it along the way, lol.

a_ceara01 02-03-2011 04:17 PM

OK, one more silly question :)

Is there a relatively straightforward way to incorporate the combat/rest indicator into this file? Currently, the Player window in this UI is *only* the combat/rest indicator, since most player info is on the group window.

What I did was position the player window (again, just the combat/rest icon) on top of the group window in a perfect spot that had space. The only problem is that it loses focus when I click on the group window and falls behind it.

No big deal, but it would be cool to just put that icon on the group window and place the player window offscreen.

Sparxx 02-03-2011 05:34 PM

Sorry No
Originally Posted by a_ceara01
OK, one more silly question :)

Is there a relatively straightforward way to incorporate the combat/rest indicator into this file? Currently, the Player window in this UI is *only* the combat/rest indicator, since most player info is on the group window.

What I did was position the player window (again, just the combat/rest icon) on top of the group window in a perfect spot that had space. The only problem is that it loses focus when I click on the group window and falls behind it.

No big deal, but it would be cool to just put that icon on the group window and place the player window offscreen.

In a short answer... No.

It is hard coded into the Player window.

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