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Kudane 09-20-2002 02:40 AM

Good News
Dolby has confirmed that the only files lost were the ones in the approval queue late Tuesday Night.

we had one file "out of the loop" that has been fixed it was the "vert-tking.zip" in the misc category.. it some how had lost its catagory tag... (odd)

If you uploaded a file Tues, please check to see if its in the download directory.. if you do not see your submission. please resubmit..

thought i will be honest.. there could not have been more than 1 or 2 in the cue when he did the work on the DB.

- Kudane

Twylight 09-21-2002 03:32 AM

Missing files
I've noticed that more files are missing again today in the complete mods download section. It seems that there is a maximum limit of 40 sets allowed up at a time and when a new one is uploaded it's bumping the end of the alphabet out of the section. I hope that made sense.

Dolby 09-21-2002 03:39 AM

nope just added a test file to complete set category (useing a normal non admin account) and the number changed to 41 when i aproved it and none are missing.

Gonna delete my test file now so it will go back to 40.

HalfShadow 09-21-2002 09:02 PM

That's 'queue', by the way.

guice 09-21-2002 09:09 PM


Geez, I'm one of the worst spellers in the world, and I knew that one, too!

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