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pheonixheart 10-11-2002 10:31 PM

Vert + Quartz = sublime sleek =)
Okies, i know absolutely zero about making the skins and whatnot, but i love the sleek curves of the quartz skin, but i like the EXTREMELY clean look of the vert mods... no background textures to get in the way of reading stuffs to speak of, (i don't have the best eyesight hehehe) I love the version i have of vert's.. it has the casting bar as a skinny little line on the main chat bar so i'm looking in the same place for my spell(song really) messages as where the casting bar is, very convenient. I also like the simpler looking health bars of Vert... not having all the little notches along the bottom of each bar... after using vert's, going back to the notchy health/mana/target health etc bars looks messy LOL... Anyhow, like i said i have no idea whatsoever what that would entail, or if someone would know how to do it or if it's even possible, but if someone could kind of put a really cool sleek solid and virtually textureless version of quartz out there i'd be eternally grateful! Plain black backgrounds with very dark metallic purple trim/highlights or whatever would be sublime and sleek LOL =P or dark blue or dark red hehe... kinda like smooth metallic hues for whichever color would be sweet... dang i wish i knew how to do that stuff i'd happily set about it if it's possible LOL... Anyhow so that's my idea... (btw i've not used the quartz skin yet, i just love the set up of it, but after using the clean look of verts, going back to all those notchy guages is so cluttered looking hehehe, plus, w/the textures as they are currently it would be a bit challenging on my eyes) Oooooooooo would it be possible to make the health guages have a slightly "metallic smooth" look to them too? now that would be sooooo awesome, but just my opinion hehehe. =)

Btw i love the look of Lythander's Window Pieces04 compass, it looks SOOOO easy to read... i just saw that today but i can tell you i'm replacing every compass file in every ui skin i have w/that one! (except for the default skin... leaving that one alone lol)

tadashya 10-11-2002 10:36 PM

adding some of verts windows_piecesXX to quartz can help with some of the clunk quartz has to it.. especially the 01 set to change the look of the gauges. I have a mix of them somewhere's on my many setups.

I would have to fiddle with it to give specifics.. maybe an XML genious will come along with the exact answer. :)

pheonixheart 10-11-2002 11:04 PM

OMG ooooooooo you are the one who's quartz skins gave me the idea for that request! oooo and your round spellbooks!! (i visited your site to see just the stuff you've done =) That metallic look you did for i think the banana one it's called? anyhow that's what gave me the idea for metallic hues! I just need subtler variences of highlights because of my eyes... (hehe even my optometrist feels sorry for me because i have a terrible problem w/glare and light, so reading a little bit of light on dark backgrounds is much easier on my eyes than reading a little dark on bright backgrounds)

Say, you wouldn't wanna do a round bard spellbook would you? /grins... those are just too cool i have to say... and bards are all dark metallic bluey in their lambent, or mettallic green in thier singing steel LOL... (LOL can you tell i like the 3-D look of metallic things? hehe it adds zip w/o being overly textured for mah eyeballs =P) oooooooo and drum tops are round, and tambourines too... ooo ooo oooooo after looking at your stuff man i sooooooooo wish i could do that stuff!

tadashya 10-11-2002 11:12 PM

lambent quartz... ehehe...

*runs off cackling*

p.s. had a bard round one.. sorta.. was a lute (too big) .. then a drum (too boring)... havent tried a tambourine yet :)

pheonixheart 10-11-2002 11:40 PM

hehehe i used to go to drummer's circles at native american pow-wows w/my ex, or at renaissance festivals too... and those peeps would paint all sorts o stuffs on their drums... and i've been to metaphysical shops where they have i think they're irish drums and they have some of the most beautiful celtic art on them, I've seen the skins done completely black w/ gold and/or silver painted cectic knotwork on them too... they're really pretty! LOL... granted when you paint a drum and actually use it, it needs to be repainted fairly often LOL!

/wonders about that cackling... hrmmm... :cool:

pchan 10-14-2002 02:01 AM

Is this what your looking for?
current ui

Its a mishmash of vert and quartz with some other stuff thrown in. Not quite finished yet tho

Oops sorry. Posted this without reading your description. Once i get Photoshop re-installed im gonna take a whack at flattening out the quarts textures and changing button colors

pheonixheart 10-14-2002 09:31 AM

OMG YES w00t!!!!
:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: <--- doing the happy dance!

oooooooooooo yes! that is awesome! Thank you thank you! I'll be looking foward to the finished version!


pchan 10-19-2002 04:17 AM

Well I finally got off my butt and installed photoshop on my comp.
Then i went and read a few tutorials on transparencies, got totally lost and figured I could just try muddling through it.

So heres my first attempt at art.

Purple Snot

pchan 10-20-2002 07:23 PM

After I tossed the Purple Snot in the trash I started over again and came up with this.

Purple Haze

UsuRpeR 10-20-2002 07:49 PM

Tadashya, I visited your site and enjoyed it greatly! Great work you have! I saw a few pieces I would love to incorporate into my UI but I didn't see them all here at eqinterface.

I really liked the Necro spellbook and the spider gem bar. Are they released yet or still a work in progress. I would really like to get them. Thanks.

Yelara 10-21-2002 02:03 AM

I've combines some vert, Some Quartz, some Icey Blue and a lot of other mods to make my Ideal UI as well

You can fiew the SS of it here: (The SS is about half way down Page 1 of this thread)


I've tried to upload the files but I cant seem to zip them small enough to be accepted to the DLs section so soon as I make room on my own website I'll post it there with a link to it

pheonixheart 10-21-2002 07:29 AM

Well i was gonna try and make a jpeg kinda of what i meant... LOL dang i like that other button placement.. esp nice for any type of caster, ESP bard (me hehe) cause i'm always switching out spells and hotkeys depending on what i need to do... a spell may go into slot 2 normally, but 5 or 6 for kiting, 3 for grouping etc... that is sweeeeeet...

Anyhow, i was gonna try and make curves like on quartz but i got to playing and got distracted, but the purple piping look is kinda what i had in mind (like lining the curves w/the purple, and keeping the rest basic black) Anyhow like i said i got distracted and played around, and this is a jpeg only, i don't know a lick of xml or how to make tga files... i was just trying to show the look of what i meant... substitute quartz, and substitute purple piping to define the curves instead of different shades, and that is kinda what i meant hehehe... except i couldn't get it to look as metallic as i meant, but this is a start...
Ok i couldn't figure out how to get an image to work, so please go here:


Anyhow, i can kinda make a pretty picture, i just have no idea how to make it into a functional ui kinda thing... (i also don't have a character who has AA points so if that's not the right format for them, forgive me... also if i got any font colors etc. wrong forgive me... i couldn't recall what they look like off the top of my head)

pchan 10-21-2002 10:35 PM

If I ever could figure out how to work the pen tool to make curves using photoshop then I probably could do the highlits the way you want. I'll give it a try but iI'm not sure how soon or if I could do it at all within the week.
If I do figure it out would you like a curvyer version of my Puple Haze? I mean purple piping to outline the curves and outer edges and transparent cutouts over the areas with no words or spellgems and stuff?

pheonixheart 10-22-2002 04:48 PM

hehe i cheat i never use the pen tool it's a pain in the arse... the way i do it is i use shapes, like i'll put 2 circles next to each other so that their outside curves look kinda like an S, and then i just switch the select tool to circle shape and select the rest of the area that i don't want solid and then erase inside it LOL... i'm gonna try and see if i can go do something really quick and show you what i mean cause i know just reading it it's hard to picture (at least to me, and i know what i mean LOL) I will also do this in layers so if i mess up one it doesn't ruin the whole picture, and then i will just merge them later and place the whole thing on a new file as one layer... but that's jpegs though as i said i don't have a clue bout .tga files... Do you just save the pic you made as a .tga instead of a .jpg or even .psd (for photoshop)?

I'll come back and edit this post later when i get something done =) Thank you soooo much for doing all that work for my request! I have to set my backgrounds though to black to even see anything, i can't even leave it at like 75% transparent though... i would need to have the whole background just plain black to be able to use it.... After yesterday's patch it messed up my skins again and it took me hours of fiddling to get the stupid default windows where i wanted them and how i needed them *sigh* lol... i tried using transparent stuff again but it just didn't work i couldn't find what i needed easily enough in a fight :*( But i love the vert buttons and such in there and would definitely use but just need a solid background... =) It's a shame really because the transparentness really lets you see more screen... when i was just doing some baking all the transparent stuff i set up was cool and i thought "oh hey this isn't so bad after all" but then later when i was grouped and in a fight... ouch! almost died cause coulnd't find what i needed fast enough so i remembered why i had to set them to black and at 100% to begin with... *sigh*

EDIT: Ok, I just used the select tool to make the circles then had to fill it in, because the shapes tool won't let you erase on it.. i'd forgotten about that... I also had to touch up the center and do a tiny bit of fill in work to get it a tad smoother because i over erased it a bit LOL...



pchan 10-23-2002 05:19 AM

I wish I had thought about using shapes. Woulda been able to keep all the curves I like so much. I'll see if I can add the curves back into my UI.
Wont be able to start on it till this weekend probably tho. Work is killing me.
Also on my current UI I set it so it doesn't fade out at all. its meant to highlight the parts with info in it. The borders around the black areas at a very light lavender with the default tint. this lets you set it to almost any color with the built in tinting for EQ.
I prefer a bright purple because it leaves everything else very visable.

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