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lorano 11-02-2002 12:24 PM

Pet window Mod
1 Attachment(s)

All the buttons work, the text highlights with yellow when your cursor is placed over it. The red bar behind the specter doubles as the pet health fill gauge.......Enjoy :)

Lorano Ld

EDIT : *** Fixed my horrid spelling :D ***

aeluin 11-02-2002 02:59 PM

wow, that's beautiful!

nida 11-04-2002 11:08 AM

is a great skin sure, but cant move it grrrr it is at just teh center of the screen.

lorano 11-04-2002 11:31 AM

I haven't found a way to move it myself other than one of the following 2 options.

Option A - Edit the XML and turn <Style_Titlebar>false</Style_Titlebar>
<Style_Titlebar>true</Style_Titlebar> should make it so you have a tab at the top of the window to move it around.

Option B - Load the pet window, move it where you want it. and use /loadskin <skin> 1

I'll work on finding an easier way to move it around =/ If anyone else can figure out an easier way please post here or e-mail me at [email protected]


Earthscum 11-04-2002 12:30 PM

What I've found to be the easiest is to set it up like this:

<Text>Pet Info</Text>

Then make your final window size 20px wider and 20px taller (or whatever you want), then move all your coordinates 10 down and 10 to the right (half of what you decided to add to the window size). This gives a 'surface' area outside the guages and stuff that your mouse can focus on to drag it around.

I ran into this problem with my Spec pet bar... seems that about the only place you can really get ahold of the window is right between the eyes and the neck, or on the skirting under the follow/sit buttons.

Arista 11-04-2002 12:36 PM

Moving borderless windows
In my experience, borderless windows can be moved via click-and-drag, however the following will apply:

1) The move cursor will NOT appear when you are simply hovering the mouse, since the window is borderless. You must click-and-hold in order to get the move cursor to appear.

2) Not all areas in the window will allow the move cursor to appear when you click-and-hold, specifically, areas that contain particular UI elements. Click around the mod until you find a clear area where the move cursor appears, then drag the window.

If there is no area in your particular mod that allows for the move cursor to appear when you click-and-hold, you should make the window bigger, then center your stuff inside the new larger window. This will give your mod an invisible area around the edges where users can click-and-hold to get the move cursor.

Note that if the window is locked, the move cursor will not appear when you click-and-hold. So make sure the window is unlocked before clicking around.

Arista 11-04-2002 12:39 PM

Looks like Earthscum beat me to it while I was typing up my post. Sorry for any repeat info.

Earthscum 11-04-2002 12:51 PM

LOL! At lest we were on the exact same path :D

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