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keiz 01-11-2003 04:42 PM

Customizable Loc Window
1 Attachment(s)
I just finished my completely customizable Loc Window. BIG THANKS to Athee for the original Loc Wizard Window! I used that window all the time, and then when faced with the prospect of adding PoP locs I decided to automate the process and wrote my KeizLoc utility.

You may customize this Loc Window by editting simple TXT files that contain the locs and comments displayed in each of the tabs (and then running them through my KeizLoc utility).

You determine how many pages are in your window, what order they are in, and what content they contain.

1. Find a typo? Fix it!
2. Not a Druid/Wizard and don't care about the Succor page? Remove it!
3. Want a detailed listing of tradeskills vendors? Add it!


This window will work in any custom UI that does not already alter the Feedback window. It is accessible in game by typing "/feedback" and contains a fully functional Feedback page.

Hope that you find this utility to be useful. :)

- Keiz, Prexus server

Derae 01-11-2003 05:15 PM

Eh I may be missing something, must be =)

I downloaded this and extracted it to my custom UI directory - it did nothing....

Theres no EQUI_Feedback.xml window or anything tho, do I need to find Athee's loc wizard to use this as well?

Looked for a readme with instructions but couldn't find one.

Thanks for your help =)

keiz 01-11-2003 05:35 PM

There is a pre-made EQUI_FeedbackWnd.xml file (the one in the screenshot) available here, or you can always just run KeizLoc to generate one.

Sorry that which file was the readme wasn't very obvious, but the keizloc.html file included in the ZIP contains all the instructions. :)

Hope that helps!

Derae 01-11-2003 05:53 PM


I'm dumb, carry on.. nothing new ;)


Just wanted to say this is brilliant, thank you muchily =)

Curumtiny 01-11-2003 07:38 PM

I am tryign to figure out the format on a tab for like Tradeskill Recipes. I keep on getting tons of overwriting everytime I try it diffrent ways. Is it possible to do this if say I make a tab called Tinker Recipes with a text file of tinkerr.txt. I did those steps and I am having problems getting it in a format that will work with your utility.

keiz 01-11-2003 09:01 PM

The first step would be to add the following line to TABS.TXT (doesn't matter where you add it, other than for your tab order in the window):

Tinker Recipes___tinkerr.txt

The trick is you need to seperate "Tinker Recipes" from "tinkerr.txt" with tabs, not spaces (nor underlines, as shown here).


Next, you would set up your TINKERR.TXT file. Here's an example of how you might set it up:

Merchant I_____100___100___Sells item1, item2, item3
Merchant II____200___200___Sells item4
Merchant III____300___300___Sells item5

Again, the trick is to make sure you seperate the various items with tabs and not spaces (nor underlines, as shown here).

Or, if all you wanted to do was state the recipes and not the locs of vendors... You might try this:

Tinkered I_______Item1 + Item2 + Item3 = Item4
Tinkered II_______Item4 + Item5 + Item6 = Item7

If that doesn't work (not sure offhand how that would end up looking), try...

Tinkered I_______Unknown___Item1 + Item2 + Item3 = Item4
Tinkered II_______Unknown___Item4 + Item5 + Item6 = Item7

The "Unknown" will go in the two loc number slots and the recipe will appear in the LocComment section. This brings up a good point, and for the next version I'll make the comments a bit more flexible. For one thing, a way to put up comments without a loc given and without "Unknown" being displayed.

Hope this helps. :)

Curumtiny 01-12-2003 01:55 AM

After a few hours of trial and error I got it to work by making my Tinker Recipe file look like this for each recipe.

[Animated Bait]
Trivial: 50
Cost: 0.003
Gnomish Bolts

Trivial: 50
Cost: 1.987
Static Orb
Water Flask
Pie Tin (Blacksmithing)
Skewers (Blacksmithing)

Then for my Tinker Vendors I did it like this.

[Nitram Anizok]
Found in the zone of: PoI
Loc of: 1530, 975,
Notes: Cork is non-stackable.
Items for Sale
Steel Casing
Cured Leather Tubing
Mana Battery - Class One
Mana Battery - Class Two
Mana Battery - Class Three
Mana Battery - Class Four
Mana Battery - Class Five
Mana Battery - Class Six
Water Flask
Vial of Gasses
Static Orb
First Days of Innovation
The Clockworks Press On
Desperation in the Junkyard
Cheirometric Lockpick Study
On Advanced Fireworks
Deluxe Toolbox
Perpetual Pumps

It makes it quite long but it worked...

Fyste 01-12-2003 10:19 PM

This tool is really slick! Nice work!

I have one question / request tho ( there's always one... :) )

Can you make it use the Help window, rather than Feedback? I'm using a modified SarsUI and it's already got locs in the Help window... so I'm used to that. Also, the Help window has a handy button on the top action bar that you can click...

If not, I'll just figure out how to massage the code to fit into the Help window format. Just thouht maybe if you could make an option for which window to create, I wouldn't have to massage it every time I add locs.

But all in all, REALLY nice work! Thank you!

keiz 01-12-2003 11:45 PM

Curumtiny: I tell you what, let me know how you'd like it to display and I'll see if I can implement that for you. Originally, I only intended to use this for locs but a tradeskill recipe tab sounds awfully useful.

Fyste: Yes, in fact that was already on my TO-DO list for the next version. :) I would like to have it set up to work in a number of different windows, so you can choose whichever you want to use locs in. I'll set it up for Help first...

JLBIV 01-13-2003 02:47 PM

Need Help
how can i make this a little smaller? i am on an older computer and have a 640x480 screen and this mod is a bit big btw I LOVE IT ! this is better then the help window ! i would also like to add my own pages to it but again run into my small screen size. is it posiable to make the tabs across 2 lines? I have many more questions, but will stiffle them for now. to cool, i am a keyboard short-cut person and /f to get these is awsome.

keiz 01-13-2003 04:21 PM

JLBIV: I'm not sure if two rows of tabs is possible (be cool if it is!) but I'll definately add the ability to resize the window in the new version I'm workin' on. :) Was also planning to make all the text colors customizable, too.

Curumtiny 01-13-2003 05:34 PM

At the bottum of the file cant you just change the 3 lines.


Change them to say:


That should make that window resizable? So he can do the changes now. That giving you more time to work with your next release with all the cool add ons.

You can find those lines at the very end of the code of the window for feedback.

Chadias 01-13-2003 06:21 PM

Great job!!!
Excellent work! I love this util. I need to set it up for Fletching since I make alot of arrows and such. This will make it so I can get rid of that huge stack of paper :) Wife could use one for Jewelry :) Is this in the works or should I do it on my own?

Curumtiny 01-13-2003 06:45 PM

Re: Great job!!!
Originally posted by Chadias
Excellent work! I love this util. I need to set it up for Fletching since I make alot of arrows and such. This will make it so I can get rid of that huge stack of paper :) Wife could use one for Jewelry :) Is this in the works or should I do it on my own?

You could probably do it on your own. As of right now it works best if you do it how I did it with Tinkering. One regent or name or trival cost per line.

What I think what would be nice for those that want to put tabs in for tradeskills is this. Make it so we could use the comments for the long lines of the intire recipee.

For example:
[Animated Bait]
Trivial: 50
Cost: 0.003
\\ Cork, Spriket, Gnomish Bolts

Right now the \\ comment only allows like 50 characters before it drops to next line and over rights what is under neath it.

Not sure if this would work though Keiz.

Jahari Durden 01-13-2003 06:50 PM

Hello all :)

Though I really like the customisable LOC window keiz has posted, I think this might help y'all a little more:


I take no credit for this, obviously, as I had nothing to do with the creation of it, but I've been using this system for quite some time now, and I'm loving it.

Again, not trying to take away anything from keiz here, just trying to save people some work. :)

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