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Leo_iCE 08-04-2002 10:10 PM

My iCEy Blue Interface
Here is my UI. Thanks to everyone that I borrowed code from. Thanks Aruman, Patito. Robert Babiak, and others. I borrowed most of the code, but some of it is mine, pretty much all the graphic changes are mine.



-- I changed all the graphics to a cool iCEy blue color.
-- All the buttons are roundish and clean.
-- I redid the inventory item backgrounds. Included in the screenshot is an empty inventory window so you can see the changes.

Here is some notable mod features:
-- Target window display the current target with a unique number, (i.e., froglok_bok_knight13), the percent of target. The casting bar is to the right of the target bar.
-- Player window shows HP, MaxHP, AC and WIS. There are also bars for hps (red), mana (blue), pet (green), exp and aa exp. All with percents.
-- Group window shows percents
-- Compact spell book
-- Compact Inventory
-- Horizontal spell gems
-- Compact, horizontal buff window -- to move this window you have resize the window.

To Install:
1. Go to the uifiles directory in your Everquest folder, Right-Click on the DEFAULT folder there, and select "Copy"

2. Then Right-Click in the same folder as default (beside it) and select "Paste"

3. Re-name "Copy of Default" a new name, keeping it short

4. Download the file you want and un-zip them.

5. Drag all the items in your un-zipped file folder into your new folder, (you just named a short name) it will ask you "do you want to copy over...." select "YES TO ALL".

6. Log into Everquest

6. use /loadskin <folder name> (this is why you keep it short)

****If your using a SKIN Mod, you must then camp out and back into the game to see it****

If you want to install selected mods from this interface, just copy over the ".tga" files that you want. (i.e., copying over only EQUI_Inventory.xml will only change the inventory mod).

To ONLY Install graphics, copy these files only:

Also note: I made a few changes to the spell icons which are mainly tailored to shaman spells, here are the files:

Guildleader of the Jesters - Bertox Server

Stregar 08-04-2002 11:20 PM


Well done my friend, well done. :nana:

Twylight 08-05-2002 01:02 AM


/downloads shammy friendly skin

*prays for purple soon*

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Kazzim 08-05-2002 11:38 AM


If I use the gemicon and spell files will that only change the picture on the spell and gem, or will this effect anything else?

By the way very nice job :)


Leo_iCE 08-05-2002 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Kazzim

If I use the gemicon and spell files will that only change the picture on the spell and gem, or will this effect anything else?

By the way very nice job :)


Thanks, glad you guys like the UI.

yes, copying over the gemicons will only change of the graphics of the spells icons and gems.

Drestin 08-05-2002 12:05 PM

I Love the look of this skin. Problem though when i install it I get the windows fine, but the graphics are not showing up. I camped out and back in and same thing. then logged completly out and back in and same thing. Only graphics i see thats from the skin is in the inventory, not the window itself but the little boxes where the gear is placed.
Also after i turned it off since it wasnt working i logged in on my rog and noticed that the same inventory graphics showed up and even the buff icon from my illusion mask was a bear icon. so i reloaded my rogs skin and same thing. then i loged out and deleted the skin and its all back to normal.
Anyone else getting this? I installed it just as you said in the read me. Thanks in advance.

Bled Lifeblood 08-05-2002 04:40 PM

I was having this same problem, theres an option in your eqclient.ini file called UIskin=default by changing it to UIskin=(name of your UI folder) it seemed to fix that....might not work with multiple skins for multiple characters, haven't tried that yet.

xlorepdarkhelm 08-05-2002 09:36 PM

doesn't work for multiple skins for multiple characters, unfortunately. however hopefully Verant will solve this little problem soon.

by the way, I love what you did for the bear icon :p

majalita 08-07-2002 04:46 PM

Wow. I just downloaded this one yesterday and everything is awesome. Some of my favorite options are the smaller inventory window, great for people who want their inventory window open but don't want to block half the screen. Also love the target window/ casting bar, now that is very nice. :)

Aexx 08-08-2002 12:05 PM

Nice skin but...
Great job of one the skin. First skin i have been able to get to work and it looks great.. tho there is only one thing that urks me. I am an enchanter... I would much rather have my int shown rather than my wisdom. I am still using the skin cuz it looks great, but if you could provide some feedback as to how i can make that change i would greatly apreciate it!


Zilaz 08-14-2002 11:17 AM

Does anyone have a version of this updated for teh Aug 14th patch? Default skin is depressingly boring >_<

Leo_iCE 08-14-2002 12:40 PM

working on it...

Amura23 08-14-2002 12:44 PM

Great Leo =)

Not sure if you noticed yet.. but the compass doesn't seem to work on your old interface.. or maybe its just me.

Great job on the interface though.. i love the buttons.. i can't live without them =)


PS if possible.. can you make a fix with just the compass? cause my whole UI is pretty much set exept for that. I have peices from all over the place atm. Would be much appreciated beyond no end.

Plethra 08-14-2002 01:47 PM

I too am loving the look, tho, I am having troubles it loading properly. Probably just user error, hehe.

I am also interested in the display of the INT instead of WIS since I am a chanter.

Great work in anycase!!

Nandayar 08-14-2002 03:51 PM

I can not even get the window mods to work let alone the skin. I changed my client folder in the EQ directory back to default. CRASH.... I changed the UI file for one of my characters back to default and I am able to get in, but I can not even get the wonderful window mods to work. I hate these big giant windows with goofy borders and plain colors. I hope you get it working soon Leo because I love this mod.

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