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bonestomper 08-08-2002 12:04 PM

small question
can someone show me, or do a priest style UI with the spell gems and group list together?

or at least side by side?

i use the mouse control. healing is part of what i do. i do not want to have to run the mouse all the way across the screen to target someone and then heal them.

if you have seen one that has what i am talking about, please leave a link.

Vanje 08-08-2002 02:44 PM

I'll see what I can come up with for you

Vanje 08-08-2002 03:37 PM

How's this?

I added the Player window just to fill up some of the space. Can also add most anything else you want except for buttons.

Let me know what you think or if you want any changes like health percentages etc

nitrowolf 08-08-2002 09:49 PM

ok here my cleric ui. this base off of vanje ui and Leoice ui and some of it is my own stuff let me know what you think

Vanje 08-08-2002 11:15 PM

NICE! I likes it lots! :)

One question though... where's the "player"? I have a habit of trying to watch my own health too lol

Oops, never mind, I saw it up there in the corner ;)

Vanje 08-08-2002 11:19 PM

By the way, can ya post it up for download? I like yours better than mine :P

nitrowolf 08-09-2002 04:14 AM

sure i will get it all zip up and post it later tonight

bonestomper 08-09-2002 02:24 PM

bling bling.

ask and you shall recieve. that is far better suited for priests than i have see. when it is all zipped and loaded please post here where i can get it with some very detailed instructions as to how to load it.

and thanks, i think it looks great.

bonestomper 08-09-2002 02:27 PM

uhm, please flip in a pet box somewhere also. i ams shaman that has to help heal sometimes.

nitrowolf 08-09-2002 04:08 PM

ok here the download for my UI, again must of this is Vanje UI that i have made to my liking.

also to use pet window togged pet info button on or off on selector window( bottom right).

unzip ortin.zip to everquest/uifiles directory and follow the README.TXT that is in ortin.zip file.

this interface UI is not done, i still have to delete AAexp and Exp bar from player window or from the hotkey buttons( hehe not sure if i want it up top or down below).

here two more pics one with pet window up and one with spell book up.

bonestomper 08-09-2002 04:43 PM

emailed myself the info to game machine. i will be installing it tonight.

thanks very much.

Vanje 08-09-2002 07:05 PM


I like what you've done with it very much :) I made the original with my cleric and my beastlord in mind (just a matter of changing out the clickable items for the beastlord). It actually seems much less cluttered with the player window seperate. And you've done a great job with the graphics, far better than anything I think I might have come up with lol (I've been scared to try :P )

nitrowolf 08-10-2002 12:02 AM

well it is your UI with ICEy Blue interface graphics by Leo ICE, all i did was change the spell window, spell book , inventory, player window plus some coding. hehe i suck at doing graphics myself too.

still have to remove the AAexp and Exp bar from player window or the hotbutton window. still not sure if i like that up top or down below.

plus a better buff window would be nice too, but have not founded a good one that goes across the top, also i moved the inventory slots to the group window was trying to move the invite and disband button up beside slots, but its does not want to work there( hehe oh well back to checking the code have to be a way of doing it.

bonestomper 08-10-2002 09:12 AM

uhm. uh. who has the dummies guide to installing user interface?

the 101 book

i play on Sullon Zek, you have to remember it is the penal colony of EQ. we are all a bit slow there.

i got lost the first line of readme.

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