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Kudane 04-22-2003 12:16 PM

A Special Thanks to SOE
I want to take a moment and express a deep thank you to Lead GM Tyranadin and Lead GM Kriggan These two GMs worked over-time to help correct a graphic bug that was causing me not to be able to show my armor after looted my body, OR not being able to show that I had armor off once I got it to show.

An email to SOE got it forward to Lead GM Tyranadin who spent the better part of a week trouble shooting. and then at least a day rebuilding from scratch my character and assuring I had everything as of the day that he pulled my file.

Since it took over 9 days for all of this to happen When my "repair" went live i was reset back 9 days. and Both GMs were VERY helpful in getting items/XP/skills/AAxp I had lost in this roll-back to me. In less than 48 hours they had me fixed up back to where I was the night before the fix. Please understand this was GM generated roll-back not a server crash. So if you lose an item crash the rule still applies that they can't do much for ya.

SOE Customer Service has come under fire so often that I share this in the news here so that others know that there are still some very helpful GMs on staff and that Absor has reason to be proud of his GMs!!

And my Graphic bug is gone completely!!! I can now show new armor when I put it on or take it off.

Thank Tyranadin and Kriggan you guys rock!!


- Kudane

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