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sotek 05-12-2003 08:33 PM

for By Aldeneb D'Jaja creator of OCB melee UI
I was wondering if you could make a caster friendly version of this UI I love it!!! its favorite color too LOL.... if you could that be awsome ).

I was thinking incorperateing a pet window in the UI and maybee connect the casting bar more to the idea's.

Also could it be put in 1024 by 768

I know its a lot to ask but just wondering if you could do it ). if you cant NP i can coape )

Thank you )

Shadrak 05-12-2003 10:12 PM


for casters

aldeneb 05-12-2003 11:31 PM

Thanks Shadrak :) for pointing Sotek to my OCB caster UI.

And thanks Sotek for the kind words . I love getting feedback.
OCB_melee is a little different from OCB_Caster (it doesn't come equipped with the matching music player.
However... the music player is available as an add- on to the OCB for casters in the downloads section under music players.

I haven't made a 1024 by 768 version of any yet. But I will . I have to finish the upgrade for Old Old Celt first then I'll get to that.

If I can be of any more help just let me know.

sotek 05-13-2003 05:05 AM

Thank you
I saw the caster UI and its even asomer (i know thats not a word)
Thank you for the link )

I don't use the Music player most of the time so that wasent big deal ).

I could probaly do this if I knew how. I like the inventory picture in the OCB melee version is there a way I can put that into the caster version. If so could you or someone else tell me how to do it?

But i love the caster one thanks for creating it )

aldeneb 05-14-2003 02:27 AM

Hi! thanks "awesomer" works fine for me:)

Yes you can put the warrior picture into the caster ui.
Open both folders containing the two ui's (the caster and melee ones).
Go to the folder with OCB_ Melee in it and find:
inv_portrait.tga .
Copy that one and paste it into the OCB Caster folder. It will overwrite the one there.

I took a look at making a 1024 by 768 version of mine but it's going to be a while- it takes alot of rework. Unless anyone knows any shortcuts :rolleyes:

sotek 05-14-2003 10:47 AM

Cool it worked
I got the picture in the inventorey, but i am still trying to figure out how i can put the windows together to get it to fit in 1024 by 768. Havent had much time but....

A basic concept you can work on is makeing the target bar shorter and taller and have that go next to the spell gem bar (making them both the same size). then the windows and everything else (except the buff windows) can go below that.

I am blind as a bat LOL, and the resolution you had it in (forgot which one) is way to small LOL. so doing my best to fit the windows together :D

Thank for helping me get the picture in inventory.

aldeneb 05-15-2003 01:52 AM

Hmmm.. you've got me thinking..
...making the target bar shorter and taller to go beside the spell gem bar...
You know you can run the target bar right off the screen don't you? So why would you want to make it shorter?

The spell gem bar is the same size as the target bar heigth wize (I think)

I'll do a test and change video modes and see.. I am having trouble visualizing it. But not to worry .. the idea of a 1024 by 768 is churning in my brain and the ways to make the ui smaller for 1024 by 768 without losing it's charm are beginning to roll in :)

Keep me thinking..heh

sotek 05-15-2003 05:01 AM

Cool yah, LOL i dident even think about runnign the target window off the screen.

The casting window is almost same sizae as target i think was thinking about pet window in my above post, by accedent hehe.

Good luck with UI )

aldeneb 05-15-2003 11:41 AM

The pet window idea is a great idea I'll try it.

sotek 05-21-2003 08:29 PM

any luck
Just kinda wondering on your progress and if the pet window idea worked )

aldeneb 05-22-2003 05:10 AM

Progress is good.
I made a pet bar for Old Celt 02 . I use it on the right end of the bar, and place the music player right on top of it. The pet bar is the default bar. Check out the picture and let me know if this is something you want for OCB .

sotek 05-23-2003 09:40 PM

I like
Sorry its been a while since post been busy hehe

I like it very sleek, would love to see it in the OCB )

cant wait hehe )

aldeneb 05-24-2003 03:27 AM

I'll try to do that soon . It'll take a remake on the target bar to get the spell bar to fit right 50 pix versus 42 pix..

sotek 06-13-2003 01:29 PM

any luck
have any luck with UI?

hate to keep bothering you but just wondering

aldeneb 06-15-2003 02:13 PM

No problem... I will work on that this week. I've been pretty sick for the last month , but finally getting better.

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