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Bkina 08-11-2002 04:24 PM

I am curious as to why most backgrounds/spellsbook skins as of late are showing up on all of my chars. Is there a way to fix this from happening? If not i can live with the backgrounds but the spellbook skins are showing up off center and it is hard to see the spells.

Wolfran 08-11-2002 06:01 PM

Are you copying the graphics files into your default directory?

guice 08-12-2002 01:20 AM

Currently a bug in the UI.

A work around is to edit your EQclient.ini file. Locate the line: UISkin=Default and change the Default to the name of your skin.

Pure 08-12-2002 04:26 PM

A reason I was suggesting a menu program
If there could be a menu type program and not done by simply using separate batch files :)

You could take the specified file you want for each character and or skin you want to play before you start game like how the patcher screen shows up.

Take and make a shortcut on desktop to the proposed new .exe and bring up maybe some nice EQ graphics w/ menu to side that would give choice of editing your eqclient.ini file or any additional .ini files that may be able to combine into EQ somehow.

Kind of like the EQINI program I have seen give you different choices you can edit in the eqclient.ini - However it is not compatible w/ new UI unless the update. I will have to see ;)

If there is so much response to this new UI. Depending on how they do the future versions of the UI, I feel there needs to be a simple way to choose the skins before starting game in addition to in game.

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