Thread: LodiDodi fix
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Old 09-08-2008, 10:14 AM   #28
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 9
Default May be related

First, let me say a big thanks Thong for the quick fix. Works like a charm.

Since the patch I have encountered another small, but annoying, bug and thought that maybe one of you might have a fix. I use the optional vertical right spell bar but ever since the patch, I have to move my spell bar to the center of the screen to do a "right-click" spell change, especially if the spell hierarchy has three levels to it like hp buff - aegolism - temerity. It seems to wrap underneath itself if there is another window in the way (or the side of the screen).

Never had this issue before. Is there a "always -on-top" or similar setting that might have gotten turned off?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions anyone might have.

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