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Old 09-13-2008, 08:42 PM   #13
A Tundra Mammoth
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 60
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I found an interesting fact. EQ doesn't load textures until the first time it needs to draw them. So when you load your UI it doesn't necessarily load all 200-400 textures depending on the UI and whether or not it includes the default as a no break method.

I definitely noticed the memory leak when reloading your UI, while I was updating my UI. I'm not sure what memory isn't being freed. When I looked the only textures I saw that are allocated in DX buffers and not deleted are the con indicators. Which seems a little small considering the size of the memory leak.

I just took the default UI and converted all the TGAs to DDS A8RG8B8 and did a simple 10 frame average on render times. The tests were on an Athlon 1800+ 1.5Ghz, 1.5GB RAM, Geforce FX 5700LE 128MB. The results surprised me. I tested in Everfrost and the DDS version was 3% faster than the TGA version. I tested in Blightfire and the TGA version was 5% faster than the DDS version. Given the simplicity of the test at most DDS could potentially cause a very small increase in render time on average. Probably unnoticeable for most people. For the people with 64MB video cards and less RAM the increase may be more significant but still probably not noticeable.
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