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Old 09-15-2002, 04:30 AM   #18
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 7

I must be a idiot, but I cannot get the skin to work. I've downloaded the skin and the 1.1 config update and installed both. I ran the install utility to create UI ini files for 3 characters on 2 different servers and verified that the name/server match the character's ini file. I checked the UI ini file and it has the UISkin set to haven. I checked that the skin is actually in uifiles\haven and it is. I run everquest, load one of the characters and get the generic UI. I hit F10 to switch UI and I get the default skin, then no skin, then back to the generic skin.

I try /loadskin haven and /loadskin haven 1 in the game and nothing happens. (for that matter /loadskin fjfjfjfjfjfj doesn't do anything either)

What am I doing wrong?

I'm running XP, and the version of the game is the freebie downloaded from

I've only played a couple of times so I know just enough to be dangerous, so I'm sure I'm screwing something up, I just need to figure out what it is.
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