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Old 09-15-2002, 11:57 AM   #22
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 7

I tried doing the manual install you outlined in earlier, and it didn't work either. (looking at it I didn't expect it to as everythign appears to be correct, on the surface anyway)

All the files appear to be in the right place and the UI ini file looks like it's correct, but the skins don't load. I checked the registry and it's got the correct path, "C:\Program Files\EverQuest". The uifiles directory is "uifiles" (all lower case) and I'm running IE 6 (6.0.2800 to be exact) with Windows XP & XP SP1.

I tried using someone else's skin (Albattior) and following the manual instructions he included with his skin, and it doesn't work either. Does the freebie download lock out this feature? (I would guess not since it supports the canned skin) Does your installer do anything other than create the UI_<character>_<server> ini file? Are there reg entries or eqclient.ini entries that should be there?
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