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Old 11-19-2009, 03:10 PM   #1
Getti Lee
An Icepaw Kobold
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 86
Default hiding elements in a window and other questions

1. so i'm tinkering around, trying to hide some buttons that i don't have use for, just deleting them reverts to default. any pointers or instructions on hiding things like this?

for example i have a inventory window that just shows the slots of armor and currency etc...but none of the player stats, blah blah blahs...but i can't for the life of me figure out whats different in those sections to hide them.

2. the bandolier will close when you press escape, this is very annoying, anyway to keep that from happing? hoping to get it to work like the mercenary window.

3, tabbed borders seem to be pretty thick. like on the inventory tab where the evolving tabs and alt currency etc. is there a way to change the thickness/color on those? i believe the styling is off on the borders now so curious where i'd change that.

appreciate the help!
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