Thread: Slider Timer
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Old 09-26-2002, 01:09 AM   #9
TimerMod Creator
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For those that are interested, the mend timer downloads have been updated so that they will co-exist with the original mez/spawn timer.

Originally posted by Garawin
One thing I'm wondering though is if it's possible to have this type of thing re-start.. or start from the beginning when first opened.

That would be nice, but unfortunately, we cannot force animations to restart, aside from reloading the UI (the main reason why the slider was added in the first place). From my post in another thread:
Originally posted by Arista
Animations are displayed based on the time the UI was last reloaded. That means, which frame is currently displaying will depend on when you reloaded, and nothing else. Opening/closing the window, changing tabs, or putting an animation on a button will NOT cause the animation to restart from the first frame. The only way to force animations to restart from the first frame is to reload the UI (unfortunately).
Former Enchanter of The Seventh Hammer
TimerMod - Timer Utility for EverQuest UI

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