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Old 09-29-2002, 08:07 PM   #36
TimerMod Creator
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Originally posted by myysst
We are considering using one of your mods for our clerics to make our CH rotations more consistent. The one I would like to try is your slider timer, but since it seems to be built for chanters the second increments go from 00 seconds to 06 seconds. Would it be possible to add more options, a 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, and 08 second option?

Sure, I'll add that option in my next update. Currently it only supports 6-second increments mainly because in-game ticks are 6 seconds (didn't realize there was a demand for other increments). Also, the bar is exactly 120 pixels long (120 frames). I wanted to keep the frame duration (in milliseconds) divisible by 120, so that each frame can have the same duration.

For any duration (in seconds) that is not a multiple of 3 seconds, the XML generator will have to round up/down to the nearest millisecond for each frame, and make sure that all the frames add up to the full duration. It'll require some changes to the code, but is definitely doable. I'll post again when I get around to making and testing the changes.

By the way, did you by any chance send me a tell yesterday? I was logging out, and right before my screen went blank, a tell showed up in my chat box. I didn't get a chance to catch the full name, but it looked similar to yours (started with M, had some y's and s's). If it was you, sorry I didn't reply, since I was logged out by the time I realized I got a tell.

Originally posted by Lelyia Bluerive
Hrm IE gives me an error that the source code cant be viewed maybe this works better if I were to d/l netscape and use that instead.

Lelyia - I got your email and wrote a reply, but when I sent the message it got bounced. I haven't tried using Netscape so I don't know if that'll work, but here is another workaround. If all else fails, you can copy and paste the visual XML as you've done, BUT you'll need to manually remove the minus signs (use the search-and-replace function to replace "- " with blank).
Former Enchanter of The Seventh Hammer
TimerMod - Timer Utility for EverQuest UI

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