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Old 07-30-2002, 02:34 PM   #2
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Jul 2002
Server: Terris Thule
Posts: 5
Default more thought on this mod


Been searching more into what I want and what seems possible.
I figure from all the other mods posted and such that it is not possible to make new things in the UI windows. You can only rearange stuff, scale stuff, delete buttons, and add buttons or functions from other windows that are already difined ingame.

So much for my origional idea,..

But, I still see something workable; two options.

1- Expand the tooltip. Can anybody tell me where the tooltip gets it's info from and is it possible to alter this with extra information?

2 (and better I think)- If you rightclick on a spel icon a window pops up with some stats info, like what skill it uses, the level needed to scribe the spell and how much mana it uses.
Where is this information obtained from and might it be possible to expand this information with the disired info like the amount of damage it does in what length of time, if a reagant is used, if it is group or self cast, etc.

Can somebody tell me if such might be possible?

Marco (RL)
Paithan (EQ)
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